Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Jeff Glasgow to Jon Husted re: Integrity and 'voluntary' divestment

Jeff Glasgow to Jon Husted, August 28, 2007
Subject: FW: Husted to CORE's Meinelt
Mr. Husted,
You have a strange view of "integrity." Where I come from, integrity means that you don't take people's money without getting their permission. Integrity means that you don't threaten them with confiscation of the protection of their fiduciary duty to get their managers to "agree" to "voluntarily" give away pensioners' life savings. The "agreement" to "voluntarily" divest is voluntary the same way that giving one's wallet to a mugger is a voluntary gift. Don't lecture me or the pension funds about integrity. You know better and so do I.
Jeffrey L. Glasgow
Westerville, Ohio 43081
PERS retiree
[Jeff Glasgow is a retired prosecuting attorney]
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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