Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A request from John Curry: Your help needed for this one

From John Curry, August 27, 2007
Subject: A request* Your Help Needed
I have begun a tally sheet to help keep track of your letter(s) written to a State Representative re. HB 151. Are our Representatives doing their jobs and answering our letters or are they shirking their responsibilities? Please help me fill in the spreadsheet below and just maybe...we can see a pattern. We may even see a flip-flop happen right before our very eyes. Please help me with this chart. Please allow them a week or so to reply. I can always modify this list should you get a reply later on. I'm sure the news media would like to have these results and...those who don't reply certainly won't get "good press."
[Spreadsheet too big to blog; please send info anyway; John will issue report on results later. KBB]
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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Vermont Teddy Bear Company