Monday, September 03, 2007

RH Jones: More reasons not to support divestiture

From RH Jones, September 3, 2007
More reasons not to support divestiture:
1. With so many of the world’s population buying from China, according to William Forman of the Associated Press, China’s foreign exchange reserves are now the world’s largest, at $1.33 trillion! So, with China buying two-thirds of Sudan’s oil, should not the politicians also place China on the list to divest?
2. The Beacon 09/03/07 Editorial claims that: ‘Every (Iraqi) contractor in Anbar who works for the U.S. military and survives for more than a month is paying the insurgency’. One can assume then that America should divest in Iraq as well. After all, Iraq is supporting those who are killing American soldiers.
The observations of,
RHJones, a proud member of CORE
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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