Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Must-Read for all of us

From John Curry, March 13, 2008
Subject: I sure hope that everyone at STRS reads this message. We are headed toward a market that I have never seen before!!!! We all need our monthly checks to survive. Gasoline was $3.45 in Lima.
A fellow CORE member (and astute investor) has supplied a link THAT WE MUST ALL READ! The banks and the Wall Street boys have enjoyed an extended period of a mostly unregulated free-for-all do-whatever-you-want-to-do and we are now going to pay for it....BIG TIME! THIS IS A MUST READ! I don't want you to panic BUT THIS IS SERIOUS AND HAS SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES FOR STRS! John
Sell stocks while the selling's good
The euphoria over the Dow's 400-point day isn't going to last. But smart investors can avoid the worst of any train wreck ahead by unloading most stocks and nongovernment bonds soon.
By Jon Markman
MSN Money, March 13, 2008
Central banks and corporate leaders are locked in the battle of their lives this month as they join in efforts to head off the worst credit crisis in at least four decades, pulling every monetary and fiscal trick in the book -- and inventing some mutant new ones.
Yet veteran observers are swiftly coming to the conclusion that attempts to regain world financial stability could be doomed due to a stunning crash of commercial-debt financing and lack of trusted leadership, and they now believe private investors should take advantage of any rallies to purge their portfolios of most stocks and nongovernment bonds. Read more.....
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