From Dan MacDonald
August 21, 2023
As schools open for a new school year, August closes out its STRS current Board. It can be a manipulative time. These two days of meetings will tell. In the past, personal contract changes have been made, Board policies changes have been voted. Arguments have been made as to an experienced Board versus a new Board in September. Remember that a brand-new set of teachers will start their journeys toward 35 years to full retirement while many will enter their final year of being active. All of you represent the members on the totality of the line, wherever an active is located. Meanwhile, some retirees have just started their pensions, while others will be coming to an end, literally. STRS and you represent them all.
With all that in mind, I am looking forward to the discussion on Performance Based Incentives and the report from the Members Benefit Department along with Public Participation [and the placement of daycare on September’s agenda.]
With my Public Participation remarks, I will be handing in current articles from The Ohio Capital Journal concerning CVS and Express Scripts. The AG is going after one and the Board of Pharmacy the other. The Health Committee should be meeting.
As always, actives need their benefits enhanced and retirees need a permanent 3% COLA restored.
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