Friday, July 14, 2006
From Kathie Bracy, July 14, 2006
I believe you owe Ms. Fisher and Dr. Leone an apology for being so presumptuous as to publicly name Dr. Leone as the reason for Ms. Fisher's resignation from the STRS Board.
In addition, for the sake of your own reputation, you need to take a closer look at your own motives for criticizing Dr. Leone's behavior. If the issues were being addressed properly, in accordance with ORC 3307.15, there would be absolutely no reason for "explosive behavior" on the part of ANY member of that Board, including your buddy, the "shutter-upper," Dr. Brown.
This is not your classroom. When anyone "misbehaves," there has to be a reason for it. Before you take it upon yourself to criticize Dr. Leone's behavior again, especially in public, you would do well to do the adult thing: ASK him what the problem is. I certainly hope this is what you do for the children in your class; why should you do any less for a Ph.D. former superintendent with an endless list of well deserved honors and accolades?
Now, do the adult thing: apologize to BOTH, before our estimation of you plummets any further. Otherwise, if you can't stand the heat, please do the Judith Fisher thing and get the %#*!! out of the kitchen. You aren't there to make criticisms on a personal level; YOU ARE THERE TO DO A JOB: ORC 3307.15. Please -- stick to the ISSUES, not personalities!!!
Kathie Bracy
STRS Retiree
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