Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Comments from Duane Tron and Molly Janczyk re: Steve Puckett

From Molly Janczyk, Sept. 4, 2006
Yes, Jim writes so well and is able to concisely and precisely state concerns. Puckett needs to go. He, along with some others, cannot adjust to a new free flowing exchange of all ideas with complete oversight in mind questioning all expenditures on behalf of us, the membership. He offers nothing and approves all rubberstamp issues. Thanks, Duane.
From: Duane Tron, Sept. 4, 2006
Subject: Re: Steve Puckett's ineptitude and misrepresentation of ODE
Very well said! Excellent! We need to step up pressure to get Zelman removed with Puckett. She has provided NO resistance to the charter schools being shoved down our throats by a few special interest legislators who are the driving force behind this worthless and self-serving money pit. The charter schools have become a drain on the taxpayers of Ohio and it's time we step up and start putting pressure on said lawmakers to either level the playing field between charters and publics or eliminate this ridiculous and disastrous conservative social experiment! On the other hand they may see this as their next meal ticket down the road. They have paved the way for few millionaires to make obscene profits at the expense of the taxpayers so how will they be rewarded in the future for their providing the special interests such a lucrative gravy train at our expense??!!
Duane Tron
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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