Monday, September 04, 2006

RH Jones: Charter School Aid Flows In; Our HC/Rx flows out!

From RH Jones, Sept. 4, 2006
To all:
Today's Beacon, 09/02/06, front page story, tells of the astounding $485,534,138 going into the entrepreneurial pockets of the failed experiment of statewide Charter-schools. As you probably know, a large percent of these "schools" do not pay STRS as they are required to do by recently passed legislative law. That coupled with the falling numbers of active teachers paying into the system, one can imagine how this drop in potential STRS funding shorts the budgeting of revenue across the board including HC/Rx. It is time to hold our political representatives who created this abomination be held responsible. Be sure you are registered to vote. And, remember, you can vote at home, with the absentee ballot. During late this month and early October, phone you local election board. They will mail it to you. But be sure to read the directions, vote and mail it back in time with the postage called for. It is worth this small expense to avoid lines, new voting machines and the gasoline to get to the polls. You have more time to study the issues.
In a related matter. The Ohio School Board Association President, Linda Omobien, spoke at a recent fund raiser for State Reps. and State Senate Candidates who are running for election. Brothers and sisters, all, SHE IS ON OUR SIDE! She gave a WONDERFUL supportive speech for Public education and outlined how the Charter-schools have failed school districts, children and public schools. She especially pointed out the unsolvable technical problems to busing students and the tremendous drain of public funds to route buses. She addressed how hiring private firms to bus students will even compound the problem.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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