Monday, September 11, 2006

John Curry to Dave Speas and RH Jones: Leadership should have started at the top

From John Curry, September 11, 2006
Subject: Re: your letter Bob
Bob and Dave --
My gut feelings and from what I read into the IRS law re. 501c4's are that an organization requests a 501c4 classification from the IRS so that the organization is able to legally endorse a candidate. The IRS even went so far as to say that a 501c3 may even want to join a 501c4 organization who would endorse per their request.
In my opinion (and it's just that) I have seen many ORTA locals simply have their monthly meetings relegated to nothing more than an exercise in eating meatloaf, potatoes, and to hash out the good old days while not being informed of the significant issues of the day that are affecting them. A lot of these good retirees are not aware of the shenanigans of our elected officials and simply don't know what is happening in Columbus - they place all their trust in their elected officials - both ORTA and governmental.
When Paul Boyer and I spoke before the ORTA chapter of my very own county(Auglaize), the majority in the audience didn't have any idea that anything was wrong at STRS - this was almost two years after Dr. Leone presented his 13 page manifesto to the STRS Board in 2003! The county RTA president (not now) wasn't even aware that Herb Dyer had been ousted! If ORTA depends upon these locals to initiate significant impact statements re. pushing for reform by governmental officials, governmental bodies, and chastising those politicians who are simply feathering their nests - then we are all in more trouble. Leadership in this regard (i.e. reform) should have been initiated from the top on down - it wasn't!
To add to this dilemma, the 52-64 year old crowd - the ones affected the greatest with ungodly high STRS healthcare spousal premiums- are, for the most part, not to be found at these monthly ORTA meetings. They are definitely the age group of retirees who are in the need to know category. A few ORTA locals are enlightened - thanks to CORE members who are also local ORTA leaders or visits by Dave Speas, Dennis Leone, or John Lazares, but there aren't enough of them - yet.
I don't enjoy knocking ORTA when we have bigger fish to fry (affordable healthcare), but something has to change at ORTA if we are to see an organization that politicians will listen to with fear of losing votes by not being cooperative to ORTA's wishes. In the words of Harry Truman, "I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell." If the majority at ORTA wishes to beg for politicians to come to our aid out of good will (especially during these financially difficult times) all I have to say is, "Good Luck."
John - a Proud CORE member
From Dave Speas, September 11, 2006
They did it with your permission, we are waiting for a legal permission to do so, too. My best to you and I hope all antischool and antipension legislators are defeated this election.
From Bob Jones, September 11, 2006
Concerning your, and my, interpretation of the IRS law, how many times did we say: "Yes, you may." in the classroom to give a student permission to do something. The meaning of "may" is clear! Damn, to the lawyers ORTA chose for advice, how much more clear can "may" be, I wonder? The IRS said: "Yes, you may"....Didn't they? And, it is expressed in English.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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