Monday, October 30, 2006

Duane Tron: OEA an enemy to every Ohio educator; time to dump them and go with OFT

From Duane Tron, October 29, 2006
Subject: Re: Conni never responds!
Ms. Ramser is precisely why Ohio's active teachers need to oust OEA and replace it with OFT. OEA has done nothing but engage in anti-teacher actions through its participation and control of STRS. OEA is an enemy to every Ohio educator. It's an organization that has lost its direction, meaning and purpose. OEA NO longer represents working, or retired, Ohio educators. It has become absorbed with its own desires, wants, and selfish motives! OEA quit serving and looking out for teachers over a decade ago! OEA is all about preserving power and control and has done so at the expense of Ohio's retired educators!
Encourage every local association in Ohio to oust OEA and do it now! NO OEA! YES, TO OFT! Let's all get busy and support OFT replacing OEA representing Ohio's education community. They talk the talk but they screw their retirees and do so with a vengeance and heart full of glee. OEA has demonstrated to any reasonable, and prudent, person that they don't give a you know what about retired teachers who NO longer are paying dues to support their big fat salaries, outstanding perks, their wonderful benefits, and their cushy lifestyle at the expense of Ohio's active and retired teachers.
OUST OEA! NO more OEA! It's time for change!
Duane Tron
Comment from Molly:
As I have always said, we are reactive. If treated respectfully, we react in kind. When treated poorly, we will speak up. Conni has never given Lazares and Leone a real chance-always no, without really hearing them and with attitude so as to make reasonable discussion impossible. She should run a recorder to hear how she sounds when she has spoken to the ones she accuses. Sure, she liked Geoff. They were on the same page which they seemed to like being superficial with talk of being held accountable if they acted as real fiduciaries of a public, not private system . All that oversight, what a tedious business! Easy to say, oh it might come back on me and I want no part of controversy! Well, too late! Way to late! You took a job after years of misspending and entitlement. What did you think would happen? We'd just blindly ok everything with no further ado. Never again!
Conni has done an awful lot to build bad relations.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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