Monday, October 30, 2006

Molly to Conni: You lie, you cheat, you manipulate, you operate in secret

From Molly Janczyk to Conni Ramser, October 30, 2006
Subject: Ramser
Conni, You were just elected to this term in May and to chair recently. You have been on the board, appointed, far beyond that. The controversy surrounding your appointment still is very strong as you clearly cheated, in the minds of many. Even media took note of how you read every answer in order off your typed papers tho questions were to be keep confidential until the interview. No other candidate had been given the questions in advance. When asked how you were able to read your answers, you replied you were just lucky in guessing what would be asked. Please! You lied to me when you told me: "It would never happen again and we learned" pertaining to voting without documents. That was months ago and you fought the motion for months along with putting limits on Damon's spending. Then when credit cards were AGAIN found out, (to use Bill Leibensperger's word), you give them back and say it is a non issue because you gave it back AGAIN.
It is YOU who has been critical towards Leone trying to quiet him and deny motions clearly in order and having a hissy fit when you didn't like how things were going. You and Brown very obviously were against Leone from the moment he was seated. You have been his foe since day one.
You moved agenda items we wished to hear. You didn't put agenda items we requested. I know of not one time you have really heard us or listened tho I made the mistake that you did when you told me about never again voting without documents. I find you dishonest, keeping secrets from membership and arrogant when things come to light just as some of your comrades.
You took this public with your degrading remarks in the media. AS IF you have a clue what is really needed to get this job done. You know what you are told, I assume and what you hear from appointees and books vs. from 2 men who actually work on many boards, know the ins and outs with politicians, have some leverage with LSB's and a network statewide with educators sympathetic to us.
YOU have been the biggest obstacle and Puckett is just wasting his chair. You are wasting your biggest assets: Leone and Lazares. You should have harnessed their talents, taken advantage of their resources and connections with legislators not to mention ability to be heard as evidenced in SB 133.
Say what you want; we are hurting the big picture with legislators because we disagree with much said and done tho back HC legislation and are helping with it.
It is you (and those like you) who are hurting your image by not doing the right thing transparently and with no secrets. You have never gotten that and instead of reaching out, really reaching out, you maintain a haughty arrogance and disdain for those who are the very ones who can help you most. Squeaky clean, honest, experienced negotiators without the track record of the 'great YET CONVICTED Billirakis.'
Take a poll and ask legislators who they respect more.
You have never been open to us and it looks like you never will. Walk away. You have embarrassed yourself enough and don't even realize it, nor do your comrades.
We gave you many chances and now, we are done with it. You should have the grace to leave as members are asking.
You are a lame duck, Conni, and it will only get worse as you have not worked to establish any connection and have simply done as you wished.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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