Monday, January 15, 2007

RH Jones: Yet more heroes are educators in Ohio

RH Jones to Evelyn Yovich, January 15, 2007
Subject: Re: Yet more heroes are educators in Ohio
Hi Evelyn,
It takes "guts" to be in police/fire or teaching. You and [your principal] are both not only heroes, you were both great educators and I am proud that you both are still friends of mine. I am sure that you and he are now having health problems today, in a large part, due to the post-traumatic stress of such terrible experiences. I am sure this was traumatic to you as probably not the only case of assault, of one type or another, that you experienced throughout your careers as professional educators.
I remember in the 1980's a female teacher was raped in the lower hall of Akron's Crouse School. Unfortunately, there are many, many, more of such violent acts against teachers that go unreported. No Ohio school district wants it known to the public that teacher assault is a continual problem.* Suburbs, country or city, teacher assault is a terrible problem everywhere. A 5% employer/employee increase for HC/Rx is certainly in order. It is the least the public can do.
*Note: School board records are open to the public and available as such.
Evelyn Yovich to Bob Jones, January 14, 2007
Subject: Re: Yet more heros are educators in Ohio
Hi Bob I too, was attacked as I tried to enter Bryan School on assignment in the '70's as a then, Curriculum Specialist. A 19-year-old male grabbed me by the arm and swung me on my back over the hood of a parked car. I screamed for someone to come to my aid but doors were locked and windows closed , no one heard me. I broke loose and ran for the school door but my attacker was able to wrestle my purse off my shoulder and throw me across the gravel lot. My pounding on the school doors brought [the principal] to my rescue and police were quickly called. I was left with bleeding knees and scratches on my hands and chin. It was most frightening along with going to the hospital and later to grand jury and court when he was sentenced. Later I received a call asking if I thought he should get shock probation. BEEN THERE
Evelyn Yovich
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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