Tuesday, February 13, 2007

RH Jones re: "Jeers"....

RH Jones to John Curry, February 13, 2007
Subject: Re: "Jeers" to another former Ohio charter school and "Cheers" to a county prosecutor
Rep. Coughlin (R) avoided me like I had the plague. He keeps saying that he supports charter schools because they offer parents a "choice". In my opinion his is a "choice" to rob your child of a decent education that can be chosen in a public school system controlled by democratically elected school board members. This is not the case in for profit charter schools. There, you can only vote with your feet, not with your ballot. Walking away from a charter school is not controlling the educational setting. Voting is.
We need to get out to reasonably-thinking "Buckeye" parents that they can choose the school or school district they want their child to attend. Elected board members must respond to the wishes of the public or they face the wrath of the voting parent in the voting booth. That is choice to me! You even have the freedom to choose not to vote! This is true whether or not you live in a city, a suburb or in rural Ohio.
John Curry to Bob Jones, February 9, 2007
Subject: Re: "Jeers" to another former Ohio charter school and "Cheers" to a county prosecutor

Good. Make him stutter!
From Bob Jones, February 9, 2007
Subject: Re: "Jeers" to another former Ohio charter school and "Cheers" to a county prosecutor

I'm going to put this in the face of Rep. Kevin Coughlin (R) at the Akron Press Club luncheon debate with Rep. Brian Williams (D). Let's see how Coughlin slithers out oof this one.
From: John Curry, February 2, 2007
Subject: "Jeers" to another former Ohio charter school and "Cheers" to a county prosecutor
Cheers & Jeers
Friday, February 2, 2007

CHEERS . . .
to Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason and the grand jury that indicted the owners of the Imani Institute Leadership School. State auditors reported last year that $800,000 of taxpayer money had either been spent inappropriately at the now-closed Cleveland charter school, or couldn't be accounted for at all. It's past time for a crackdown on shady school operators - wherever they work.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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