Monday, May 05, 2008

Walmart expands their drug list

From John Bos, May 5, 2008
STRS Retirees can save more at Walmart than they can with their provider program. How about the STRS Staff. I don't think that can save from their Cadillac Plan.
Wal-Mart Expands $4 Generic Program
Posted by Sarah Rubenstein
Wal-Mart gets a lot of negative publicity, but one one story that draws plenty of positive coverage is its roster of $4-a-month generic drugs. And this morning the company said it’s expanding the cut-price drug program.
Here are the latest pharmaceutical bargains unveiled by the megaretailer:
• Prescriptions for up to 350 generic drugs will cost $10 for a 90-day supply.
• The generic version of Merck’s osteoporosis drug Fosamax, which came out earlier this year, will cost $9 for a 30-day supply or $24 for a $90-day supply. Generic drugs including tamoxifen for breast cancer and combo pill estrogen/methyltestosterone for menopause and hormone deficiency were added to a list of $9 women’s meds.
• A new $4 over-the-counter program will include Wal-Mart’s own versions of drugs including Zantac, Johnson & Johnson and Merck’s Pepcid and Schering-Plough’s Claritin, as well as women’s health products such as prenatal vitamins.
The first two programs are available in Wal-Mart, Neighborhood Market and Sam’s Club pharmacies, and the OTC part is in Wal-Mart and Neighborhood Market. Here’s a list of drugs in the $4 prescription program and here’s a fact sheet that Wal-Mart prepared for the media.
Wal-Mart, which has been wading deeper into the health-care waters lately, has been bragging a lot lately that its drug program is saving customers boatloads of cash at a time when health-care costs continue to climb. As of April 28, Wal-Mart’s tally of savings on generics is $1,163,726,502.08.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
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