Friday, July 14, 2006
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 3:36 PM
Subject: Fwd: The resignation
Ms. Ramser, Ms. Fisher, and Governor Taft,
I highly concur with Mrs. Cuthburt! As one who has been involved since the beginning of learning of the STRS abuses, I find the continued arrogance and incompetence appalling!! Governor Taft, you listened to those in your party who had also done wrong by the retired teachers in OH by line item vetoing the investigation of STRS by the Inspector General. Ms. Montgomery and Mr. Petro had much to loose by said investigation. MS. Ramser, you are OEA and still do not understand what has happened at STRS and I seriously doubt you really care. You ( and Dr. Brown) have been underhanded at the things you have tried to pull to keep discussions from occurring. You should be the next to step down!
Ms. Ramser, I believe if Ms. Fisher wanted the reasons, etc. know about her resignation, it should have come from her mouth. I believe you have really hurt yourself and if I were on the board, you and I would have serious trouble from here on out! I doubt that will be the case with Dr. Leone as he is there to see that STRS gets fixed, not to be petty with other board members. Perhaps, it is you who needs to be an "adult" for your behavior has not been very adult-like. Ms. Fisher's resignation further shows that she was NOT aware of all the problems at STRS and the resolve of retirees to get them solved!!!!!!!! It would seem the same is true with you, Ms. Ramser.
Thank goodness Ms Fisher has given up and resigned! She has not been a credit to STRS in the first place and I sincerely hope that you, Gov. Taft, will choose someone who has the fortitude to follow the law and represent retirees ( and actives) in the manner in which they wish to be represented!
Please consider Tom Hall for this position. We will never get this system back on track without people who understand where we retirees are and how we live must live. We MUST have some who is compassionate and seriously concerned about the welfare of STRS and retirees present and future!!!
Retirees are going nowhere and will stick this out until every board member who is there for other reasons than following 3307.15 are gone and this system is fixed. If we have to SHOUT to make those who pretend to be deaf, hear, then so be it!
Sondra Stratton
CORE member and organizer
Past Pres. of Brown County Retired Teachers Association
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