Monday, September 11, 2006

Dave Speas to John Curry: Some issues faced by an ORTA leader

From Dave Speas, September 11, 2006
Subject: Re: your letter Bob:
I do not disagree with you and want to have more information shared. The presidents or representatives will be in Columbus 90 strong for the first time to discuss many of these issues in November.
My hope is that in the future we will do a better job getting the messages out to the people. However, written materials have been in the hands of every member with the problems outlined many times. I can tell you that there are locals that were not interested in hearing about the problems when I went to speak as District Director. They were more interested in their scholarships, local college courses for the aged, and the after dinner speaker.
I am sure that leadership in the locals is the only way to change this philosophy. I am hoping that some type of legislature process can be set up having the locals represented so that issues can be brought to the board in an official manner. The problem is that so many of the active people will not run and be elected to lead this organization from the state leadership positions but rather shout at us and not run and change things.
I have felt from the beginning that if you do not like something you get in there and make change happen. So far, it has been somewhat lonely although the current board is open to a lot of these ideas and know change must be made. It would be easier if more minds who want change were here to help.
I am mulling over running for president-elect. It is a three year commitment that my wife does not want me to take after the last few days of emails. She feels it is time for others to get out front and take the shots and do the hours of driving and speaking around the state and serving at the state level. I am praying and trying to make a decision and she has made it clear where she stands.
I still want to make a difference but how do I do it if others will not come and help? Thanks for your words but I cannot go against the expert lawyers in tax exempt law we paid to give us their opinion. If the STRS board members had listened to their lawyers they would not be in the trouble they are in and I find it odd that people would want me to go against the same type of advice. My best to you and all you do.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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