Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Molly Janczyk to Board: Thank you, Shirlee; and why two Board members have our respect

From Molly Janczyk, Sept. 11, 2006
Shirlee is right. Think for yourselves and feel what is right based only on your constituency, STRS membership. I watched a program and no one wanted to take responsibility in spite of the impending known problems which would ensue. WHY? My husband spoke to the TV saying, 'Yeah, it might come back on me'.......meaning the character who had no backbone to stand up and do what is right no matter what. That is what you have in Leone and Lazares and why they have the membership's respect. No convoluted runaround, no excuses, no smoke and mirrors........just the truth and listening and feeling the membership's pulse...........no politics, no compromise when compromise should not be like signing contracts without the document in front of you. Conni broke her promise to me: When we talked and she told me face to face, "WE LEARNED! WE NEVER WILL DO THAT AGAIN" referring to signing contracts without full knowledge of what they contained and now she says it would erode confidence or some such. I am not quoting her and don't remember exact words which I sent out earlier but some such mentality. Thanks, Shirlee.
Molly J.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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