Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Sondra Stratton: News about Caremark and CVS

From Sondra Stratton, November 1, 2006
Subject: Caremark and compete with Wal-Mart!!!!!

Heard on the news this evening that either Caremark bought out CVS or visa versa so they can compete for business with .....get this.....WAL MART!!!!! I think this the best thing to happen in the HC business for YEARS!!!!!! Maybe now we can stick to the ones who have been sticking it to us for YEARS!!!!!!!!! This just might work to bring all those prices down. If I were Caremark, I would be contacting STRS like last month to try to renegotiate those generic prices!!!!!!!!! I can't wait. I can get about 3-4 meds cheaper by using Wal-Mart and you can believe I am going to take advantage of it!!!!
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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