Sunday, August 26, 2007

Educators: Unless YOU take action NOW, your healthcare WILL dry up! This is a simple FACT, not a scare tactic

From Dave Parshall, August 25, 2007
Subject: CORE ALERT!
The Health Care Funding Initiative is due to be introduced in the Ohio legislature in October. The Health Care Advocates and STRS are organizing a campaign to fight the uphill battle to pass the Bill. The members of the campaign have been titled the Health Care Champions. The members have come from the Health Care Advocates, STRS, OEA, OEA-R, ORTA, and CORE. The first meeting was held on August 15th. A number of CORE members attended this meeting. CORE has decided to hold our own planning session to answer any questions our members might have about the campaign, and to plan our support for the initiative. We will meet on Friday September 7, at 1:30 p.m. in the back room off the Cafeteria in the STRS building at 275 East Broad Street in Columbus. Please let Dave Parshall or Mary Ellen Angeletti know if you will attend. [;]
It is time to step up and work for YOUR HEALTHCARE now!!! If this bill does not pass, you will have no health Care after the current health Care Stabilization fund is depleted. It is this Initiative or nothing!!! STRS spends 1.3 million dollars a DAY right now to pay for our health care. By 2009 the fund's principle will have to be used to pay for our ever increasing health care bills. By or before 2020, the fund will be broke. You will be on your own for health care. Before that date, your premiums will go through the roof. Remember many of you only have Medicare part B and maybe D. Several hundred thousand educators will be without health care in one of the most difficult states to qualify for MEDICAID. Many of us who get sick will soon be facing bankruptcy. The time to act is NOW. Please join us on September 7. We all must participate in this Initiative for it to be successful.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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