Thursday, June 29, 6000
Tuesday, February 15, 4000
STRS Ohio Watchdogs: a public Facebook group you can join
Sunday, August 27, 3950
Have you joined the Ohio STRS Member Only Forum on Facebook?
Click image to enlarge
Monday, June 25, 3900
Monday, June 24, 3850
Wednesday, May 28, 3800
Friday, February 27, 3750
Sunday, April 11, 3700
Thursday, March 10, 3650
Friday, February 24, 3550
Monday, April 29, 3450
I know, it's weird.........
Monday, February 24, 3400
This is an abbreviated version of the original 'Handy links' post. Click here to view a more complete list. (Some of it is old.)
State legislators.......State of Ohio website
Tuesday, February 24, 3350
Dennis Leone's STRS Report to ORTA, March 2007
Tuesday, February 23, 3300
Monday, March 24, 2025
Bob Buerkle exposes the egregious damage done to the STRS pension system and all of its stakeholders by the STRS "big four" management team and STRS actuaries, yet hidden from ALL OF US for YEARS!
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Robin Beebe and an updated version of Mother Goose nursery rhymes for the STRS board March 19, 2025
Robin Beebe's speech to STRS board
March 19, 2025
Twinkle, twinkle little 3% COLAHow we wonder where you are.Up above the world and goneOut of sight for you we long.
Twinkle, twinkle little 3% COLAHow we wonder where you are.
Row, row, row our 3% COLAGently back in place.Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrilyRestoration is the perfect case.
Little Retiree MuffetSat on a tuffetLooking for the COLA gone astray.Along came the reinstated 3% COLASat down by that tuffetAnd Little Retiree Muffet shouted "HOORAY!"
The Itsy, Bitsy 3% COLA climbed up and out of sight.Down came good news and the 3% COLA came back out.Out came the reform Board and cleared up all the messAnd the Itsy, Bitsy 3% COLA really is the BEST!
Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cakeBoard members all.Send us a 3% COLAJust get on the ball.Reinstate it, vote on it, and mark it for all to see.And send out our retirement checks.What justice that will be!
One, two, what are retirees to do?Three, four, we all are getting poor.Five, six, why were we so tricked?Seven, eight, the Board is very late.Nine, ten, give us our 3% COLA again!
May the road rise to meet you.May the wind be always at your back.May the sun shine warm upon your face,The rains fall soft upon your fields.And until we meet again,
Robin Rayfield fills in the blanks for the STRS board about the "staff-induced chaos" and more
Robin Rayfield's speech to STRS board
Monday, March 17, 2025
More chaos at STRS as lawmakers again threaten to remove teachers' pension board voting powers
March 17, 2025
Thursday, March 06, 2025
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Robin Beebe's Magic 8 Ball and some insights for the STRS board
Robin Beebe's speech to STRS board
February 20, 2025
My name is Robin Beebe. Retired teacher of mainly 4th Graders, 2nd Graders, Kindergartners, a smattering of other elementary grades and eight summers of Migrant Education. 35 years. Fremont City Schools and Perrysburg Schools. Retired coming up on 16 years. Please start the 3 minute timer now.
POSITIVELY (Stop Playing Us For Fools!!!)
Wizard of Oz". "You've always had the power my dear, you just had to
Learn it for yourself.” NOW is the time to use your power.)
Friday, February 07, 2025
Recent court documents you need to read to get the true picture of the gross injustice inflicted on two leading STRS board members; namely former board member Wade Steen and current board chairman, Dr. Rudy Fichtenbaum; they have been our strongest advocates
• Wade Steen v. G. Brent Bishop, et al (CASE NO. 23AP000351)
• State of Ohio v. Dr. Rudy Fichtenbaum (CASE NO. 24 CV 003862)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
STRS Ohio Board member Rudy Fichtenbaum, and former Board member Wade Steen, are incurring legal fees, defending themselves against the lawsuit brought against them by A.G. Dave Yost. ORTA will use donations from the Pension Defense Fund to help them, if needed, pay their legal expenses. They have volunteered their time to support Ohio's teachers. Now it's time for us to show our support for them! Make a donation today to the ORTA Pension Defense Fund
Thursday, February 06, 2025
Remember the day?
That memorable STRS board meeting (or was it a circus?) April 18, 2024
That was the day Wade Steen won his year-long lawsuit against Governor DeWine, who had suddenly and illegally pulled him from his position on the STRS board the previous year. On April 18, 2024, Wade came straight from the court house to STRS, followed by his attorney, Norman Abood, waving his court papers proving he had just been legally reinstated to his seat on the STRS board. The board was meeting in executive session when Wade entered and presented his papers to the board chair, Dale Price, announcing his reinstatement, effective immediately.
I was privileged to be selected by Wade to be sworn in at the public meeting shortly afterwards that day. Much confusion followed, as the board chair, who attempted to prevent the swearing-in ceremony, was not prepared for such a turn of events, and walked out, not even formally closing the meeting. That in itself caused quite a bit of chaos, especially since there were important matters on the agenda that had not been addressed. There were, however, many very happy active and retired teachers that day.
Since Wade's four-year term officially ended September 27, 2024, he was not with us very long, but we are hoping that will not be the last we see of him. Wade Steen and Rudy Fichtenbaum have been two of the strongest board members ever (Rudy is still with us as board chairman). That was until the attorney general, Dave Yost, a friend of the governor's, also stepped in quickly, following the governor's shenanigans, and filed a frivolous lawsuit against both men. That's another story for another part of this blog. Here's a photo of yours truly, Kathie Bracy, conducting the swearing-in ceremony for Wade Steen: