"No states got an A and only six states received a B: Arkansas, Delaware,
Florida, New York, Oregon and Wyoming. Most states — 33 — received a C, while
six got a D. The last six — Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Kentucky,
Massachusetts, Ohio and Rhode Island — each received an F."
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Bob Buerkle to Mario Iacone, May 4, 2017
Re: How Does STRS Rank Compared to other retirement Systems
This article based it's information on data that became obsolete
between two and six weeks after it was written because STRS lowered it's earning
assumption 30 basis points below the 7.75% the authors used and then the Board
eliminated the COLA for Ohio Retirees which massively worsens our
I bet we now have surpassed Massachusetts and hold the rank of the
worst of all states, and future retirees will never get back the value of their
employee and employer contributions plus the added investment earnings value
during their lifetime.
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