Dear John Lazares,
I am sorry to have missed your farewell reception. Molly Janczyk was absolutely correct when she stated in her 29 July 08 message: “…John Lazares bringing up his concerns awhile back about STRS investments in Fannie Mae”. Early on, you repeatedly brought it up, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears at the STRS. And, I backed you up in your fears by mentioning in a STRS board meeting that investment staff should be careful with investing our funds in Fannie Mae. That is all a matter of STRS board minute records.
John, as you served us on the board, you were on top of so many issues they are too numerous to mention is this e-mail. And you did this while suffering GREAT PAIN due to your knee operations --- Anytime there is work done on a bone, pain is suffered. Even so, you kept up with your awesome responsibilities as an active board rep. In total contrast with the actions of some other board members whom you helped expose as being unethical, your leadership, coupled with Dr. Leone’s, has, therefore, benefited all members of our STRS; Even those unethical board members that have now joined the ranks of us retirees.
As they add your name to that brass plate on the STRS meeting room wall, I will always honorably remember you. Not so, for the board members identified by the court system as being convicted of misdemeanors.
Thanks John, you were a wonderful board rep that went “beyond the pale” to serve all STRS members as you were directed to do so under the ORC 3307.15.
Here’s wishing you a great life, without pain. You served irreproachably.
With the deepest and heart warming gratitude,
Robert Hudson Jones, the opinion of one STRS retired member.
P.S. to “y’all”: Having worked so hard to get HB 315, the retired teacher health care bill, moving out of the FIRES CMTE, I neglected my duties at home. Having finished painting the house, I was hit with a hailstorm and now must replace the roofs of my house, garage and little barn. Anyway, it has been a tough time for this legislation. It seems that the politicians are now all waiting until the November election. I hope to be back “on the attack” then. In the meantime, I feel confident that other active/retired educators will keep the pressure on. This is one House Bill that we cannot afford to lose!