Saturday, October 25, 2008
A tale of two stories: Which is it...'routinely mailed' or 'hand delivery'?
Subject: A tale of two stories?????? Which is it..."routinely mailed" or "hand delivery?"
Friday, October 24, 2008

Rich DeColibus to STRS Board: You're handling this as well as Nixon handled Watergate
Subject: PBI
Labels: PBI, STRS, STRS Board
New job for Paul Kostyu

October 24, 2008
Note: Paul produced dozens of articles exposing past mismanagement and misspending practices at STRS while writing for the Canton Repository. Paul is an award-winning journalist and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize.
Barb Garwood to STRS Board: Cancel all bonus payments
Subject: bonus payments
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Lack of postage?? Give me a break!
From a CORE member re: the loss of STRS members' data
Laura is hopeful! (Heck, I coulda given 'em another stamp)
Insurer says 11 computer disks may have lacked postage; 36,000 people affected
By Suzanne Hoholik
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Debbie Roush: Now what do we do about this mess?
Subject: The STRS Mess
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Jeffrey and Nancy Settles to STRS Board: We are sure there are many investors who would LOVE a position with STRS
Subject: Staff Bonuses
This is the year to have the balls and not give bonuses to OUR investors who lost billions of dollars. I have lost money and there is no one giving me a bonus. If they are unhappy I'm sure there are many investors who would love a position with STRS.
Jeffrey and Nancy Settles
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Message to STRS Ohio Members From Executive Director Michael Nehf
Labels: bonuses, Mike Nehf, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Article: Retirees running out of time

By Ted C. Fishman
USA Today, October 23, 2008
Dave Parshall to Ruth Weeks: Why aren't you asking questions?
Subject: RE: Ms. Weeks, Rube Goldberg would be proud!
President of CORE
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
What happens when someone who is unformed gets their 'info' from someone else who is uninformed; this person presents NO facts or research
Subject: Ms. Weeks, Rube Goldberg would be proud!
Subject: STRS board
Subject: RE: STRS board
Subject: RE: FW: STRS board
Subject: Re: FW: STRS board
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Jean Waggoner to STRS Board: What are you thinking??
Subject: Wow, are we upset with YOU!
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Looks like we aren't the only ones having this kind of conversation!

Bailed-Out Banker Compensation: A PR Disaster in the Making?
October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jim N. Reed to the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Anybody home at STRS?
Sent to the Lancaster Eagle-Gazette
STRS Members-Anybody Home?
Baltimore, Ohio
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
News you can use.....
Subject: RE: RX
Subject: Re: RX
Subject: RE: RX
Subject: RX
Andrew Cuomo: 'FREEZE!' STRS Board: 'Let 'er rip! Heck, it'll make us feel good!'
Subject: investment staff bonuses
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
So just how do they plan to break the news to us?
Subject: Re: STRS comes up with a figure that "nobody supposedly knew or cared about"...on the very next day! Imagine that!!!!!!!!
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Letter from nine retirees: The outrage continues
Birgitta Ker
Leslie Snyder
Larry Snyder
Cyndee Schoenhoff
Evelyn Wampler
Keith Wampler
Robert Shoemaker
Jane Shoemaker
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Mike Matthaes to STRS Board: Wake up!
Subject: Bonuses
Retiree, 1997
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Linda Sauer: Small teacher pensions and STRS bonuses
Subject: Investments
Linda G. Sauer
Linda Rothman: Fannie Mae and STRS bonuses
Subject: Money Management
Linda Rothman
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Vern and Ele Allen: This is insane!
Subject: bonuses for losing OUR $ ????
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Georgia Dunn: If the fund has lost money, the board cannot justify paying bonuses on money not made
Subject: STRS board
live on my retirement check from STRS without pulling any additional funds. The investment managers will need to do the same: live on their generous salary and benefits without a bonus.
Retired Teacher
South Lebanon, OH
Labels: bonuses, PBI, STRS, STRS Board
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Missouri teachers pension fund living it up.... hey, wonder if they took their cue from Ohio?
Subject: We educators in Ohio can say, "been there - done that," can't we?
Newspaper: Mo. pension fund officials living it up
The Associated Press