Robin Beebe's speech to STRS board
February 20, 2025
My name is Robin Beebe. Retired teacher of mainly 4th Graders, 2nd Graders, Kindergartners, a smattering of other elementary grades and eight summers of Migrant Education. 35 years. Fremont City Schools and Perrysburg Schools. Retired coming up on 16 years. Please start the 3 minute timer now.
I sit at STRS Board Meetings and listen for hours and hours on end to actuaries and consultants maintain that if you do X,Y and Z, things MAY or MAY NOT pan out. They have mentioned multiple times that when all is said and done, they "DON'T HAVE A CRYSTAL BALL". So....if projections don't work out, oh well..., just read just that formula and timeline and extend into future years and decades. Hmmmm....."No Crystal Ball", eh????
Well, I don't have a crystal ball either. BUT, I did bring my Magic 8 Ball. (Hold it up for all to see.) You all likely remember this and possibly even had one? I shall ask the Magic 8 Ball questions on behalf of active and retired teachers. They are MY PEOPLE. They are MY TRIBE. Shall we give it a try?
* 1. Will risky hedge funds/private equity/alts be replaced by responsible index funds?
Magic 8 Ball says - CANNOT FORETELL NOW
* 2. Should the cafeteria become profitable or be shut down?
* 3. Will the TAJ and out of state real estate holdings be sold?
* 4. Should the Communications Department stop spending our money to monitor/spy on us 24/7 on social media sites?
* 5. Should the costly Town Hall Dog & Pony Show Propaganda Meetings stop?
POSITIVELY (Stop Playing Us For Fools!!!)
* 6. Should STRS Staff levels be majorly reduced?
* 7. Should the Performance Based Incentives, i.e., Bonuses be given?
* 8. Should the ORSC 2021 RESOLUTION be revoked and thus return the rightful control to this Board?
(Remember Glinda the Good Witch's advice to Dorothy in "The
Wizard of Oz". "You've always had the power my dear, you just had to
Learn it for yourself.” NOW is the time to use your power.)
*9. Is restoration of the 3% COLA the right thing to do?
P.S. My 3% COLA was supposed to be paid in accordance with the LAWS in effect at the time of my retirement. No switcheroo nor taken away midstream. As for This current 2025 year with a 0% COLA, I am being denied $18,010.72. And my Grand total of denied full 3% COLA’s to date since retiring will be $119,242.56 and counting……HOLY………TOLEDO!!!
P.P.S. You, our STRS Board, have a monumental task before you to pick a skilled Executive Director. Please, please choose the very best competent person, One with expertise, true integrity, honesty and a good heart to help us. Thank you.