James Carr on STRS: They work for us. They are not the rightful STRS beneficiaries, we are.
From James Carr
A forum for Ohio educators interested in bringing needed reform to our pension system (STRS Ohio). John Curry (strswatchdog@yahoo.com) researches many issues related to STRS Ohio and contributes them to this blog. Contributions from others are welcome, and may be sent to Kathie Bracy (kbb47@aol.com).
From James Carr
From James Carr
June 9, 2023
UT fires 12 employees to cut costs
Employees from the Center for Success Coaching were informed last week that the university was eliminating the program, said Meghan Cunningham, UT’s vice president for marketing and communications. Those in the program offered individualized support to students. This ranges from time management and technology assistance to advising on course schedules.
The cost-cutting move is part of an effort to reduce spending by at least 7 percent to address an expected $28 million budget deficit, she said. To meet that goal, other cuts will be necessary.
“While efforts are being made to limit the impact on employees with reductions to the work force through attrition and elimination of vacant positions where possible, there will be some employees impacted,” according to a written announcement from UT. “Human resources is providing assistance to individuals impacted by a reduction in force.”
Ms. Cunningham said university officials are moving away from using coaches and are rethinking new ways to offer students support.
Officials are still finalizing the budget for the next academic year, which runs July 1 through June 30, 2024, she said, adding that she couldn’t yet answer questions on what other employees and academic program cuts are being considered.
Don Wedding, vice president and grievance officer for the UT chapter of the American Association of University Professors, on Tuesday released data from multiple administrators. As of May 8, it shows a total of more than $16.8 million expected to be cut from nine of UT’s colleges, with an additional $12 million expected from the administration budget, which would meet the $28 million deficit mark, Mr. Wedding said.
Of those nine colleges, each has proposed cutting between $535,000 and $6 million from their budgets — or between 7 percent and 12 percent.
Mr. Wedding said he doesn’t have data for the university college, college of law, or honors college.
But the proposed cuts have drastic impacts on those colleges. For instance, as part of the college of health and human services’ $1.25 million budget cut, all Ph.D. programs are suspended, and no new students will be accepted. No new graduate students likewise will be accepted in the math department, and some students had offers for those roles rescinded.
Read the rest of the article here.
By Trina Prufer
June 4, 2023
STRS- How they cheat - Instead of fulfilling its mission (retirement security) it just changed its mission ( it now provides a “foundation” for retirement security..whatever that means). From my vantage point, this looks like the very definition of “bait and switch”. Of course, the irony is that STRS has made it IMPOSSIBLE for members to EVER reach retirement security. Let’s not mince words, retirement security is 70% replacement adjusted for inflation.
Let’s remember that teachers do not make a lot of money during their careers. In fact, many need to supplement their incomes just to make ends meet. As used by STRS, the FAS is a misnomer as a concept, because other than that first year of retirement, the pension benefit diminishes from there.
No one can live a comfortable life on less than 60%, and that’s a stretch. After ten years without a 3% cola, many retirees are now at less than 50% FAS. The ONLY number that matters is the replacement value, because it factors in inflation. That’s how the younger generation plans for an adequate retirement. There is absolutely NO room for spin, deception, gamesmanship or gaslighting. For teachers, a pension is NOT a joke.
Larry Kehres | Mount Union Collge Division III |