Saturday, May 18, 2013
From John Curry, May 18, 2013
Looks like more than a few educators in Ohio have
wised up to ORTA's ways, doesn't it?
Thank you for this informative letter. Yes, ORTA is afraid to take a stance
on many issues that would affect retirees' lives and benefits. Possibly they are
afraid of losing a tax free status but fail to realize that they only would lose
this status if they should exist predominately as a political organization and
not one of a social benefits organization as the tax code demands. In short,
they are afraid of their shadows. This boils down into an ineffective
organization that collects fees to support a few at the top and lets down their
membership. I would call it a total waste of your membership moneys. ORTA has
given Dr. Leone the "cold shoulder" for years now and, because of it their
membership roles have suffered. I was asked to join ORTA several times and my
question to the asking person was, "What good would it do to give moneys to an
organization that could care less about my benefits?" More and more ORTA members
are now asking this same question of their ORTA leadership.
From XXXXX, May 18, 2013
I resigned my position as Board Member and Legislative Chair of XXXXXX
County Retired Teachers Association several years ago over the fact that I was
told I could not take a position on Issue 2, the Repeal of Senate Bill 5. I felt
that repealing SB5 was a nobrainer for an organization made up of retired
teachers. I was told that we could not take a position on political matters. I
also let my membership in ORTA lapse as well because it did not take a position
on Issue 2 until the very last minute. While I was Legislative Chair of XXRTA
Ann Hanning was always very helpful to me. But I don't understand why ORTA
always remains "nonpartisan" on very partisan issues that directly impact
teachers (retired and active). Also, I have a daughter who is an active teacher
in Ohio, so I have all the more reason to care what happens to teachers in our
retirement system.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Kathie Bracy to the Ohio Retirement Study Council: Please investigate this election
May 17, 2013
From: Kathie Bracy
Sent: 5/17/2013 7:32:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: 2013 STRS board election
Sent: 5/17/2013 7:32:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: 2013 STRS board election
To the members of the Ohio Retirement Study Council:
Please consider investigating the recent election for two retired board seats at
STRS Ohio. Retirees feel this election was highly flawed due to ballot language
which we are convinced was deliberately deceptive.
Thousands of retirees intended to vote for one candidate, Dr. Dennis Leone,
and no one else, as we felt this was the best chance of his being elected. But
the ballot language was changed from the 2009 election ballot in such a
way as to trick possibly thousands into voting for two
candidates instead of one, being worded in such a way as to make many voters
believe their vote would not count unless they voted for two candidates.
(Dr. Leone lost by only 778 votes.) Voting for a second candidate along with Dr.
Leone heavily favored the two incumbents and worked AGAINST him. Concerns about
the ballot language began arising as soon as retirees started receiving their
ballots. During the election there were people calling other retirees more
closely involved with the election, asking whom they should vote for as a second
candidate, because they thought it was a requirement in order for their ballot
to be valid. After the election, realizing they'd made a big mistake by voting
for two when they had originally intended to vote for one (they were TRICKED
into voting for two), people were calling Dr. Leone and apologizing for what
they had done. The clever manipulation of this election was NO ACCIDENT.
(1) On the paper ballot it says "Select two
candidates". It should have said "UP TO two
candidates" or "NO MORE THAN two candidates", as the 2009
ballot indicated. Teachers spend their entire careers teaching children to
follow directions, so of course they think they should follow directions, too.
The authors of the ballot language were well aware of this and took unfair
advantage of retired teachers' honest efforts to do the right thing.
(2) Wording on the online ballot: "Select two
candidates", not "UP TO two candidates" or
candidates". FOUL!!!
(3) Another trick used with the online ballot: If you dared to vote for
only one candidate, a second screen was thrown in your face as soon as you hit
the Submit button, enticing you to vote for a second candidate ("You may
vote for UP TO TWO CANDIDATES") -- yes, telling the voter AFTER HE/SHE TRIES TO
VOTE FOR ONE, making many believe they'd better vote for a second candidate or
their vote might not count. FOUL!!! If it was OK to
give online voters a chance to vote again, why wasn't this done for the mail-in
ballot voters or the telephone voters? Why wasn't a second ballot mailed to them
when their first one was received with only one vote? When you go into the
election booth to vote for president or whatever, you NEVER get a
second chance. HIGHLY IRREGULAR!!!
(4) A newsletter from STRS (March 2013, Vol. 39, No. 2) was enclosed with
each ballot that was mailed to retirees. It gave a profile on each of the four
candidates. At the top was a letter from Executive Director Mike Nehf in which
he specifically says " for two
candidates..." ("Then vote for two candidates using the enclosed
mail ballot or by phone or the Internet.") Right from the top!!
As you no doubt are aware, the two incumbent board members who won
re-election, James McGreevy and Robert Stein, received heavy backing from OEA;
many retirees estimate at least $100,000 or more, using robocalls and personal
phone calls to retirees all over the state, in addition to glossy, expensive
looking post cards mailings. This needs to be changed. There needs to be some
way of leveling the playing field for the candidates running for the STRS board.
The other two candidates, Dennis Leone and Nadine McIlwain, had only
out-of-pocket funds at their disposal, no deep-pocket organizations to provide
funding for them. Something is very wrong with this picture and needs to be
fixed. Only you can fix it.
Please investigate the 2013 STRS board election. To say it was an unfairly
administered election is a gross understatement.
Thank you.
Katherine B. Bracy
STRS retiree
Duke Snider to the ORSC: Please investigate the STRS board election
From Duke Snider, May 17, 2013
Subject: Ballot
Members of the ORSC,
Since our politicians have given POWER and CONTROL to OHSTRS, you are our
only hope that everything at STRS is conducted in an ethical, orderly,
professional, and honest manner; however, I believe the election of two retirees
for the STRS board was not conducted properly.
Probably I’m telling you something that you have already heard, but I hope
you all will conduct an investigation into the election. Dr. Dennis Leone
barely missed winning a seat on the STRS board, and I truly believe it is due to
the fact of the wording “Select two candidates” which means to select two
candidates. I’ve had several retirees and a superintendent ask me who they
should vote for besides Dennis Leone, and I told them to only vote for Dennis
Leone as this gives him a better chance to be elected.
Why won’t STRS board members answer Dr. Leone’s questions that he presented
to them? If this would have been an election conducted by county board of
elections, this would never have happened, because the wording would have been
“Select up to two candidates" or "Select no more than two candidates”. Retirees
are teachers and they have a habit of doing exactly as they are instructed to do
and in this case they were instructed to “Select two candidates”.
In 2009 I don’t think the wording was this way; therefore, why was it in
the 2013 election and who is responsible for selecting this command? As I
stated earlier, you are our, retirees', only hope, because STRS appears to be
more interested in their employees than retirees, i.e. I’ve heard the
investment people can earn a bonus of up to 100% of their salary, and if this is
true, I believe this is not right, especially when we retirees had our COLA cut
to 0% for one year and reduced to 2% thereafter. I’ve also heard that our COLA
can be cut or reduced to reduce the cost which active teachers contribute to
Why is it always the retirees who are the ones who are targeted? If there
were no active teachers and retirees, there would not be a STRS. What is it that
STRS doesn’t understand about this? Why would OEA push so hard and spend so
much money to get Mr. Stein and Mr. McGreevy elected? Are some people filled
with so much hatred, because Dennis Leone was the main person responsible for
some former board members and a former executive director being indicted and
The top priority of STRS should be retirees, and it does not and has not
appeared this way for some years. Are some people so angry with retirees having
a demonstration in Columbus a few years ago, and are some people so angry about
being discovered, indicted, and convicted? I and many retirees have spoken to
the STRS board several times since 2002, and many of us feel as second class
citizens, because “they” seem to want to do anything to “get even” which is my
If you feel I have made any mistake, please let me know and I will correct
it. As I said you are our only hope and thank you for standing up for SERS and
the “trip” to attend a meeting. Maybe you kept them from getting a sunburn.
Kenneth “Duke” Snider
Referred to by some former STRS board members as “the malcontents from
southern Ohio” (We malcontents stand up for what is right, honesty,
professionalism, and integrity.)
Sardinia, Ohio
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Retirees: Want to complain about the irregularities of the bogus election you were just put through?
Many retirees feel they were duped by the deliberately deceitful language
used in the ballots for the 2013 STRS board election. You can write to the
members of the STRS board, as they are ultimately responsible for it. One
address will go to all: E-mail addresses for individual
board members may be found here.
You can also write
STRS Executive Director Mike Nehf (who told you ON THE BALLOT to "vote for two": You can write to Nick Treneff, who is
in charge of communications and danced around the questions regarding that
ballot language every time: You can write to the ORSC (Ohio
Retirement Study Council, which oversees all five state pension systems; E-mail:; Web: and demand this election be
carefully reviewed and that measures be enacted to ensure such blatant treachery
against retirees by their own pension board and staff NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.
You can always
contact state
legislators, too. They need to know what's going on at STRS. And
don't forget your local newspaper. There are plenty of people who might find
this whole situation very interesting.
If you'd like to
share your thoughts with Dennis Leone, the lone target of all the duplicity from your
STRS board and staff, you can do so here: By the way, if you do write
to the board and staff, don't expect a reply. They have absolutely no interest
in discussing this issue with you. They just want to control your $$$ and make
sure you don't get the full benefits you are supposed to
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Cathy Burner for ORTA Executive Director
Note from John Curry: Cathy Burner has my vote. She was fed up with ORTA
previously and....rightly so! Godspeed, Cathy!
From RH Jones, May 15, 2013
Subject: RHJ on: Fw: Fw: A call for the resignation of the
Executive Director of ORTA
To all retired educators:
It is absolutely essential that we strongly support Cathy Burner
for ORTA Executive Director. Back in 2000, she was one of the first of
us to initiate action on the misbehaviors of some OhSTRS officials. She has been
active in Ohio politics and is known throughout the state. She has followed
OhSTRS activities for many years and has the experience and qualifications for
the position of ORTA Director. In replacing Ann Hanning, she is our best
hope for real retiree representation.
Cathy Burner to Tom Curtis, May 13, 2013
Subject: Re: Fw: A call for the resignation of the Executive
Director of ORTA
Thank you for writing the note to Ann Hanning. I agree with you, it is time for
change!! As you may remember, I was being groomed for the ORTA Executive
Director position. I resigned from the Assistant Executive Director position due
to the pressure from the membership with little to no board acknowledgement of
these issues. In my opinion the pressing issues demand ORTA board/leadership
action. You astutely pointed out the need for action in your note to Ann. Let
us pray she heard you.
Be great,
Cathy Burner, M. A.
Educational Consultant/Trainer
Columbus, Ohio
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Congratulations OEA
From John Curry, May 12, 2013
Congratulations, OEA, you just purchased an election! Your tens of
thousands of dollars contributed for glossy campaign ads and robocalls for two
retired educator candidates, coupled with carefully engineered (and modified for
this year's election) ballot language, ensured that the guy (Dennis Leone) who
exposed the misspending, mismanagement and entitlement mentality at Ohio STRS
did not get elected to the board this time 'round. 

His former uncovering of the above illegal and unethical activities while
in office caused the Ohio ethics convictions of 5 of your former OEA Executive
Council members (and STRS board members at the time) and their resignations from
the STRS board. Money really can buy happiness, can't it? At least I can sleep
soundly at night.....unlike some people who shouldn't. Retired educators don't
pay OEA dues but, for this one time, you sure were worried about who would
represent them on the STRS board, weren't you?
Dennis Leone on the 2013 STRS board election and a bold prediction for the ballot language that will appear in 2017
From Dennis Leone, May 12, 2013
Out of 73,000 votes that were tabulated, I was shy 778 to get
elected..…and the STRS Board still doesn't think the two OEA-backed incumbents
were improperly helped or that the election was influenced at all by: (1)
The “Select Two Candidates” command on the paper ballot; or (2) The online
voting procedure that required retirees to reject a second pop-up ballot (which
invited them to vote for a second candidate) in order to get their first choice
accepted; or (3) Mike Nehf’s own letter in the ballot envelop that directly
instructed retirees to “Select Two Candidates.”
No, no, no…..these 3 things didn't make retirees feel that they needed
to cast a second vote in order for their primary vote to be counted. No sir. I
wish I had a nickel for every retiree who called me or wrote to me, asking who
their second vote should be for in order for their vote for me to be accepted.
And STRS refuses to answer why the 2013 ballot was different than the 2009
ballot – even though there were 4 people running for 2 open spots both times.
None of the 3 factors cited above occurred in 2009. Oddly, Mike Nehf
said in writing to me 2 weeks before the votes were tabulated that while he felt
retirees had been given sufficient information to know that they could actually
vote for just one candidate (even though the paper ballot issued a command of
“Select Two Candidates’), he also wrote that the second pop-up ballot (that was
forced onto anyone who tried to vote online for just one candidate) was
necessary “to make voters aware that they could vote for 2 candidates.”
What? In other words, the STRS Executive Director put in writing that
additional explanation was NOT necessary to clarify the “Select Two Candidates”
paper ballot command, but additional explanation WAS necessary to make sure
online, voters were “aware that they could vote for 2 candidates.” STRS refuses
to accept the reality that forcing a second ballot onto online voters would be
like mailing a second ballot to any retiree who sent in a ballot with just one
This whole thing does not pass the smell test. For sure, the ballot in
2017 will not be like the one in 2013. It will be like the correct one (“Select
Up To Two Candidates”) that was used in 2009.
Dennis Leone
Post-election comments from retirees
May 12, 2013
Honorable Uecker,
I mentioned to you at the PRC dinner about the voting of candidates for the
STRS board. I think you might be interested in what's going on at STRS. Many
of us retirees are extremely upset at what has been happening. They (STRS) seem
more interested in themselves and their employees than us retirees. If it
wasn't for active teachers and retirees, there would not be any STRS and they
don't seem to understand this. Our COLA will be cut; however, STRS
investment people can possibly receive a bonus up to 100% of their salary. STRS
has been given POWER to do about anything they want and we retirees are the ones
who suffer. Kathie Bracy has a blog which you might want to check out as to what
many are saying about STRS.
It was good to see you at the Chamber of Commerce meeting May 6. You seem
to express yourself in a kind manner for people. I think you would probably be
concerned and upset if you just knew a little about what's going on at STRS.
How could our politicians give so much power to STRS and just a few years ago,
one executive director and some board members [6] were indicted and convicted? I
don't think our current board has proven they are worthy of the POWER.
Thanks for listening to me and thanks for reading the email
below (Kathie Bracy's blog).
Keep up the good work.
I'm so very sorry Dennis. It should never have happened as it did and I'll
support whatever action the group decides to take to contest the election
procedures and results. Enough of OEA's lying, cheating and stealing of
elections. How do I resign my life membership in OEA? Not that any of them
would care.
Enough illegal behavior has been obvious for too many years, and there
seems to be no one who can do anything about the crimes. Powerful people in the
world are guilty of kinds of manipulation on all levels, and I have decided
there is no justice for the little guy like us. When the world and the people
get this rotten and corrupt, we have lost the battle.
It is indeed disheartening that Dennis Leone came so close...yet lost the
election to STRS Board.
This election will go down in history as flawed.
STRS staff and current Board members "stonewalled" their way through this election to ensure
that they would not have to face a Board member who would question any of their recommendations
or actions.
Sad day indeed!
This election will go down in history as flawed.
STRS staff and current Board members "stonewalled" their way through this election to ensure
that they would not have to face a Board member who would question any of their recommendations
or actions.
Sad day indeed!
This was a confusing election due to different language on different
ballots when every ballot should have be worded identically.
Many thought they had to vote for two candidates as a result of
differing ballots when they wanted to vote only for Leone. Also, phone and
email votes seemed to encourage two votes.
I think STRS has earned itself a new motto for their shenanigans of recent
months. How about "Welcome to your windowless STRS board room: a place where the
sun don't shine"?
Dear Mr. Nehf and Board:
This is Saturday night; May 11th; I am sure that all of you are dancing your "happy dance". The intentional confusion on the ballots gained you what you wanted. You also gained by not sending some retirees ballots, so that means that possibly others who were not entitled to vote received ballots. Also the write in candidate lines were a farce. Ask any election worker in the state of Ohio.
This is Saturday night; May 11th; I am sure that all of you are dancing your "happy dance". The intentional confusion on the ballots gained you what you wanted. You also gained by not sending some retirees ballots, so that means that possibly others who were not entitled to vote received ballots. Also the write in candidate lines were a farce. Ask any election worker in the state of Ohio.
You have scorned all of us (retirees) by your lack of of real answers
to our questions! What do you have to hide? It must really be something big or
maybe many, many things as it was a few years ago! Why are you so afraid of Dr.
Leone being on the board that you would stoop to allowing the intentional unfair
wording on the ballot and on the Internet? Stein had 2,231 votes more than
McGreevy, but McGreevy only beat Dr. Leone by 778 votes. That tells me that
some 'funny business' was going on either due to the wording of the ballot or in
the tabulating of the votes! Brutus says about Caesar: "It is the bright day
that brings forth the adder; And that craves wary walking? Crown him?-that;- And
then, I grant, we put a sting in him, That at his will may do danger with." This
election has brought forth the adder (STRS) and we retirees must watch carefully
the decisions and actions of STRS and the Board. The winning of this election
is the same as crowning Ceasar. With the election of these two 'yes' men, STRS
will have more power to sting the retirees again and again, and don't say that
you have not been stinging us!
Remember 2003, many things were brought out in the open. It WILL
happen again! We are watching ALL of you! You will all someday have to answer
for the things you are silent about during your time as executive director and
members of the board.
Watching your future action and decisions,
Watching your future action and decisions,
I could spit nails for how angry I am at the results of this "sham" of an
election. You deserved and would have won had they not pulled fast ones in
I am so sorry for all retirees. Your loss is a huge loss for all of us! I
hope there is some recourse that is being planned. STRS's excuses are feeble and
totally inadequate and not responding to you is
OEA's salaries over $100K (Want to see where your dues money goes, active teachers?)
From John Curry, May 12, 2013
The OEA annual salary information below was taken from the most recent
filing by the OEA with the U.S. Department of Labor as required by law. The
salaries listed were compiled from the federal form LM-2 and were received by
the U.S. Department of Labor by November of 2012 and are of the last fiscal year
for the OEA. Therefore, there will be some employees listed below who are now
not currently employed by the OEA and there will be some OEA current employees
who are not listed due to their recent hiring. If this information needs to be
verified please follow the following instructions so that you can go to the U.S.
Dept. of Labor to see the names and salaries that I viewed. Note...these are
JUST the OEA salaries in excess of $100,000. There are many others approaching
the $100K mark that did make the list below.
Click on the link below and enter 512-490 in the first box [Enter File
Number box]. Then click on the 2012 report. Pay particular attention to
Schedules 11 & 12. The President of OEA (Patricia Frost-Brooks) last salary
was $228,594. Do you now see where the OEA got the thousands of dollars to
endorse a retired teacher candidate in this years STRS election?
Note - the position of LRC below means Labor Relations Consultant.
These are the OEA employees who work directly with the locals in
labor/management discussions.
Frost-Brooks, Patricia President $228,594
Leibensperger, William Vice Pres. 155,658
Timlin, James Secy/Treas 156,361
Fiely, Linda Gen Counsel 134,707
Martin, James Asst Ex Dir 155,217
Babcock, Susan Asst Ex Dir 150,143
Cohagen, Joseph Dir of Business 132,557
Fekete, Fritz Dir of Info 116,382
Flanagan, Kevin AED Media Serv 152,702
Cooper, Jeanette Regional Dir 130,117
Jowhar, Thomas LRC 163,795
Johnson, Rachelle AED Mem Serv 145,134
Collins-Murdock, Patricia Reg Dir 141,379
Mahoney, Michael Dir of Commun 132,618
Kapp, Ronald Dir Gov Serv 127,662
Suchy, Mary Dir Membership 138,953
Allison, Mark Uniserv Comp Tech Serv 125,518
Avouris, John LRC 122,425
Bell-Gombita, Mark LRC 127,065
Clay, Alicia LRC 113,184
Blanden, Lee LRC 125,600
Bozovich, George LRC 139,900
Busby, Robin LRC 125,275
Carlisle, Gary Uniserv Compac 125,238
Clum, Darren Uniserv Comp Tech 125,256
Costantino, Mark LRC 129,090
Dalton, Donald LRC 152,189
Davis, Robert G. Uniserv Lobbyist 125,113
Davis, Vicky LRC 126,841
Davis, Demetrice Uniserv Edu Reform 125,084
Day, Daniel LRC 106,767
Dotson, Matthew Uniserv Lobbyist 125,786
Field, Ruth LRC 125,481
Flora, V. Randall Dir Edu Pol 138,655
Graffton, John R. Uniserv Pol Adv 126,827
Graham, Stuart Uniserv Comp Tech Serv 125,902
Harris, Russell Uniserv Edu Edu Res Dev 126,754
Hart, Jonathan Uniserv Gm Tech Serv 125,346
Holub II, Donald LRC 130,182
Jewell, Paul Uniserv Ed Res Dev 131,202
Howell, Lynette LRC 131,020
Jackson, Schalet LRC 102,204
Jaeck, Todd LRC 115,835
Joseph, Bonnie LRC 167,155
Kazar, Suzanne Uniserv Comp 125,327
Kestner, Jeffrey LRC 137,974
Kovach, Gary LRC 123,490
Kubiska, Annette LRC 125,043
Kirkwood, Amber LRC 126,049
Lane, Kimberly LRC 125,487
Lehman, Susan Prod Consult 111,045
Lobert-Edmo, Lavonne LRC 131,026
Linder, Mark LRC 125,829
Marchese Jr., Victor LRC 125,331
Chandler-Marks, Elizabeth LRC 125,203
Matkowski Robert LRC 134,021
Matusick, Helen LRC 129,331
May, Linda LRC 125,274
Maynard, Deborah LRC 123,419
McEachern, Michael LRC 125,222
McMurray, Bonnie LRC 125,509
Messer, Donald LRC 117,153
Munoz-Nedrow, Christina Regional Dir 137,555
Mussilli Jr.,Henry LRC 125,383
Nelson, Alfred LRC 131,147
Newhall, Julie Magazine Editor 125,030
Norris, Perry Reg Dir 138,218
Nolasco, Jeffrey LRC 126,153
Hoover, Kerri LRC 108,475
O'Connell-Burton, Kathleen LRC 125,553
Otten, William Uniserv Organ 132,312
Prater, Michelle Uniserv Media Rel 125,109
Pearasol, William LRC 141,425
Paterson, Cynthia Uniserv Edu Ref 125,486
Pipe Jr., Herman LRC 125,113
Radel, Samuel LRC 115,242
Renaud, Thomas LRC 125,460
Rumsey, Lora LRC 118,787
Saad, Sheila LRC 125,853
Clark, Melissa Uniserv Lobbyist 125,110
Shoulders, Venita LRC 153,264
Smolik, Connie LRC 107,371
Stephenson, Edward LRC 126,820
Terman, Melody LRC 128,623
Townley, Renee LRC 102,591
Tieman, Diane LRC 142,131
Tufaro, Delores LRC 107,018
Turner, Patricia Uniserv Coll Barg 127,848
Urban, Eric LRC 127,490
Thomas, Anne LRC 112,922
Villamagna, Rebecca Uniserv Comp 127,203
Watson, Diana LRC 101,587
Whitney, Theresa LRC 101,586
White, Cathy LRC 134,428
Winship, Michele Uniserv Edu Ref 112,383
Wing, Debra LRC 104,068
Elling, Betty LRC 125,410
Leidy, Chloann LRC 125,245
Bird, Rodney LRC 137,312
Leibensperger, William Vice Pres. 155,658
Timlin, James Secy/Treas 156,361
Fiely, Linda Gen Counsel 134,707
Martin, James Asst Ex Dir 155,217
Babcock, Susan Asst Ex Dir 150,143
Cohagen, Joseph Dir of Business 132,557
Fekete, Fritz Dir of Info 116,382
Flanagan, Kevin AED Media Serv 152,702
Cooper, Jeanette Regional Dir 130,117
Jowhar, Thomas LRC 163,795
Johnson, Rachelle AED Mem Serv 145,134
Collins-Murdock, Patricia Reg Dir 141,379
Mahoney, Michael Dir of Commun 132,618
Kapp, Ronald Dir Gov Serv 127,662
Suchy, Mary Dir Membership 138,953
Allison, Mark Uniserv Comp Tech Serv 125,518
Avouris, John LRC 122,425
Bell-Gombita, Mark LRC 127,065
Clay, Alicia LRC 113,184
Blanden, Lee LRC 125,600
Bozovich, George LRC 139,900
Busby, Robin LRC 125,275
Carlisle, Gary Uniserv Compac 125,238
Clum, Darren Uniserv Comp Tech 125,256
Costantino, Mark LRC 129,090
Dalton, Donald LRC 152,189
Davis, Robert G. Uniserv Lobbyist 125,113
Davis, Vicky LRC 126,841
Davis, Demetrice Uniserv Edu Reform 125,084
Day, Daniel LRC 106,767
Dotson, Matthew Uniserv Lobbyist 125,786
Field, Ruth LRC 125,481
Flora, V. Randall Dir Edu Pol 138,655
Graffton, John R. Uniserv Pol Adv 126,827
Graham, Stuart Uniserv Comp Tech Serv 125,902
Harris, Russell Uniserv Edu Edu Res Dev 126,754
Hart, Jonathan Uniserv Gm Tech Serv 125,346
Holub II, Donald LRC 130,182
Jewell, Paul Uniserv Ed Res Dev 131,202
Howell, Lynette LRC 131,020
Jackson, Schalet LRC 102,204
Jaeck, Todd LRC 115,835
Joseph, Bonnie LRC 167,155
Kazar, Suzanne Uniserv Comp 125,327
Kestner, Jeffrey LRC 137,974
Kovach, Gary LRC 123,490
Kubiska, Annette LRC 125,043
Kirkwood, Amber LRC 126,049
Lane, Kimberly LRC 125,487
Lehman, Susan Prod Consult 111,045
Lobert-Edmo, Lavonne LRC 131,026
Linder, Mark LRC 125,829
Marchese Jr., Victor LRC 125,331
Chandler-Marks, Elizabeth LRC 125,203
Matkowski Robert LRC 134,021
Matusick, Helen LRC 129,331
May, Linda LRC 125,274
Maynard, Deborah LRC 123,419
McEachern, Michael LRC 125,222
McMurray, Bonnie LRC 125,509
Messer, Donald LRC 117,153
Munoz-Nedrow, Christina Regional Dir 137,555
Mussilli Jr.,Henry LRC 125,383
Nelson, Alfred LRC 131,147
Newhall, Julie Magazine Editor 125,030
Norris, Perry Reg Dir 138,218
Nolasco, Jeffrey LRC 126,153
Hoover, Kerri LRC 108,475
O'Connell-Burton, Kathleen LRC 125,553
Otten, William Uniserv Organ 132,312
Prater, Michelle Uniserv Media Rel 125,109
Pearasol, William LRC 141,425
Paterson, Cynthia Uniserv Edu Ref 125,486
Pipe Jr., Herman LRC 125,113
Radel, Samuel LRC 115,242
Renaud, Thomas LRC 125,460
Rumsey, Lora LRC 118,787
Saad, Sheila LRC 125,853
Clark, Melissa Uniserv Lobbyist 125,110
Shoulders, Venita LRC 153,264
Smolik, Connie LRC 107,371
Stephenson, Edward LRC 126,820
Terman, Melody LRC 128,623
Townley, Renee LRC 102,591
Tieman, Diane LRC 142,131
Tufaro, Delores LRC 107,018
Turner, Patricia Uniserv Coll Barg 127,848
Urban, Eric LRC 127,490
Thomas, Anne LRC 112,922
Villamagna, Rebecca Uniserv Comp 127,203
Watson, Diana LRC 101,587
Whitney, Theresa LRC 101,586
White, Cathy LRC 134,428
Winship, Michele Uniserv Edu Ref 112,383
Wing, Debra LRC 104,068
Elling, Betty LRC 125,410
Leidy, Chloann LRC 125,245
Bird, Rodney LRC 137,312
A board that will go down in STRS history
Rotten tomatoes to our illustrious STRS board and staff of 2012-2013 for
their artful collaboration on their cleverly crafted, successfully managed,
underhanded manipulation of The Infamous STRS Board Election of 2013, which will
forever brandish the true colors of undoubtedly one of the most devious boards and staffs in
STRS history. We can hardly wait to see what you will try to pull next on the
retirees who pay your salaries, perks and humongous bonuses. While you're at it,
why don't you scrap that twisted piece of metal outside the board room, the one
called "Integrity", bought for $100,000 of retirees' funds? It certainly
doesn't belong anywhere near the board room, or in the building, for
that matter. Or maybe keep it and rename it "Avarice". That fits.