Duane Tron: What's wrong with this picture?
"There is something really wrong with this picture!! They are still receiving their paychecks and health insurance, which is much better than ours, and we have been penalized and were forced to pay nearly 40% of our retirement checks for health insurance, et al, for a benefit we WERE promised when we retired. We were PROMISED! Nobody told us that they might take it away!"
What is the difference between the employees being promised a benefit verbal) and having it denied, abolished, and our situation??? Please help me understand how employees can be entitled to bonuses for doing their jobs? The promise wasn't in writing and wasn't a negotiated item. There was never any negotiated contract or written agreement! We were promised (verbal) a benefit, spousal subsidy, and that was taken away and we have been required to pay huge increases to have insurance. The non-investment employees haven't been financially penalized as they never received the money in the first place. This is quite unlike our circumstance where we were receiving a benefit and that benefit was then taken away, thus, causing thousands of us serious financial damage and harm. There isn't any law that guarantees any employee any bonus in any business that I'm aware of. Isn't this kind of like the spousal subsidy that was in place for forty years + and then taken away with very little advance warning, or notice. The actions of the STRS Board caused us much more financial harm than denying a bonus to non-investment staff has caused them.
There is something really wrong with this picture!! They are still receiving their paychecks and health insurance, which is much better than ours, and we have been penalized and were forced to pay nearly 40% of our retirement checks for health insurance, et al, for a benefit we WERE promised when we retired. We were PROMISED! Nobody told us that they might take it away!
Who is this judge? We need to file a class action lawsuit to recover the spousal subsidy!! If they can file a flim flam lawsuit and win I would think we have more justification, grounds, than they have! Oh! I get it?! A person can't really get justice in the courts in this country anymore. That became obvious when not a single Ohio Law firm was willing to represent us. Not the wonderful Mr. Clermont County, Democrat Emeritus, champion of the little people, champion of the working people, and definitely not any law firm headed by Republicans. This is because of their special interest causes to which they find their bread buttered. Justice??? The attorneys of this state don't give a rat's you know what about "right" or "justice." They only care about their bank accounts and profits, thus, the bottom line! One can only gain justice and relief if one can enhance and promote the careers of our illustrious and worthless lawyers, or pay them an obscene amount of money. These are the lawyers who are a bunch of hypocrites, windbags, and supposedly the champions of justice and right. RIIGHT??!!!
I used to tell my students, "get used to the fact that life isn't always fair." Little did I ever perceive that I would get to experience this first-hand. in my latter years. I have a great idea!!! We need to tie our issue to something religious and then the ACLU lawyers and all of the rest would jump in line to take our case. We've just been going about all of this the wrong way!!
Duane Tron