Report on September 2012 STRS Board meeting
At its September meeting, STRS Ohio executive director Michael Nehf reported that the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives passed pension reform bills on Sept. 12 for all five Ohio pension systems. The STRS Ohio bill (Substitute Senate Bill 342) was based on the reform plan approved unanimously by the Retirement Board on April 19. Governor John Kasich is expected to sign the legislation on Sept. 26 and the effective date of the bill will be Jan. 7, 2013. Most of STRS Ohio's plan changes will take effect July 1, 2013, or later.
The Concerned Ohio Retired Educators, Inc. (CORE) President Dave Parshall presented STRS Ohio with a check for $11,499.48. Parshall said the group is disbanding and leaving its remaining funds to STRS Ohio to be earmarked for the system's health care fund. Retirement Board Chair Mark Hill thanked the group and recognized CORE for its dedication to issues impacting retirees.
The Retirement Board approved 1,109 active members and 119 inactive members for service retirement benefits.
Benefits counselors returned to the road for fall field counseling in August. The fall season includes 26 locations throughout Ohio. Scheduling for these events began in July and nearly 1,500 members scheduled appointments at one of the first 13 locations. About half of these appointments are scheduled via the STRS Ohio website. Counselors met with 2,900 members last fall and scheduling is on about the same pace this year.
STRS Ohio staff has tested numerous age and service combinations to ensure the accuracy of calculations and content of the Annual Statements that will be mailed to members in early October. Due to the pending pension changes, projections of various retirement scenarios based on age and service will not be provided as part of this year's statements; however, members are given a benefit estimate for disability and survivor benefits, as well as their account withdrawal value.