Joe Lupo raises some interesting questions concerning the appointment of more than one STRS Board member
From Joe Lupo
A forum for Ohio educators interested in bringing needed reform to our pension system (STRS Ohio). John Curry ( researches many issues related to STRS Ohio and contributes them to this blog. Contributions from others are welcome, and may be sent to Kathie Bracy (
From Joe Lupo
Editorial: Bonus battle postponed
The Blade Editorial BoardFrom Dan MacDonald
May 20, 2023
From Dan MacDonald
May 20, 2023
Public Participation at STRS: Beware, Government Default, Use Common Sense
Good morning, STRS Board. I am Dan MacDonald, an STRS retiree with 38 plus years of service. I am also the Executive Director of Local 279R, North East Ohio AFT retirees.
Let’s start with the Budget’s compensation line which shows a 1% decrease in compensation. I am sure it is correct. I need to point out, and remind the Board, that compensation line for STRS staff is actually up. Last year’s Budget had a one-time $2.1 million added for compensation because of a 27th check. So, the decrease of $618,100 had only a little to do with reduction of 17 staff and lots to do with not having a $2.1 million dollars in the compensation line this year. I would hope that my idea of transparency might some day match yours. There should be no merit-based raise.
The Sustainable Benefit Enhancement Plan, SBEP
Three fiscal integrity tests were developed by Cheiron to determine moneys available in the proposed ’24 budget. Outcome: Test one, budget amount available, zero dollars. Test two, budget amount available, zero dollars. Test three, budget amount available, $300 million dollars. Fail one, fail all, budget amount available, zero dollars. Cheiron then proposed that if the SBEP is zero, a de minimis enhancement would not materially impair the fiscal integrity of the system. Huh? This year, budget dollars available: $830,000,000. During last month's board meeting, the investment department reported the General Fund was $500,000 above where the General Fund was July 1, 2022.
STRS Board Policies, under Funding, states that “Funding Objectives shall include 100% funding” with a sub paragraph – “At 85% or greater, the Board may consider changes that in the determination of the Board’s actuary do not materially impair the fiscal integrity of the system.”
In my mind, $830 million is taking the general fund in the wrong direction. You are the stewards of the pension, I would hope that a de minimis enhancement is taken off the table by your established Board Policies and common sense and your votes, and that we all pray that the federal government does not default, and that the markets improve, so that next year, at this time, some replacement of lost benefits to actives and retirees can happen, and, that the overall life of the fund has substantially improved and not further soured. To me, this makes more sense.
In conclusion, with the PBI policy, change the date of awards to when the final closure of FY24 is finalized. Do not have a fiasco like last year causing the final loss to be substantially bigger than what was first reported. [We will see how this worked out next month; Board had voted BEFORE my speech.]
From the ORTA monthly newsletter
Dean Dennis' speech to the STRS Board
May 18, 2023
May 18, 2023 - Dean Dennis, Retiree from Cincinnati Public Schools
To the properly seated members of the Board, how are you going to conduct business when every vote you take can be challenged as to its validity? You certainly need to hire your own independent legal counsel. You also need to make sure the person who ratted out and slandered Board Member Steen isn't employed by STRS. Our members just voted, providing you with a mandate for reform, then some coward using their political power ran to the Governor's office to usurp their will. This person could be anyone, but you need to make sure it isn't a person you supervise. If you find that it is, they need to be terminated. Someone went behind your back and blatantly lied to the Governor's office. Wade Steen did not miss 3 meetings in 6 months. The minutes make that clear. Someone is making the Governor look like a fool. Let's make sure we aren't paying their salary.
The Governor has enough problems with misinformation. Mr. Steen didn't serve the Governor at will; therefore, the Governor cannot simply replace him. Board Member Steen is serving an appointed four-year term. Ohio codes are not ambiguous.
Board members, here is another issue. Concerns are being raised that we have a part-time, paid lobbyist (one that has earned a quarter-of-a-million dollars from STRS over a four year period) and this lobbyist at one time was a lobbyist for a charter school. Apparently, this lobbyist also lobbied for First Energy during the time period when the news media was trying to tie the Governor to the First Energy scandal. News accounts state that the Governor appointed this lobbyist, our current lobbyist, to a committee. Your concern should be this: members are asking if this lobbyist went to the governor on behalf of STRS to unseat your colleague, Wade Steen. Regardless, what has this lobbyist done for members?
Lastly, the governor is making press releases stating he replaced Mr. Steen before the Saturday, May 6th election results in order to prevent the appearance of election interference. So, members of the Board, I think it is only fair to members to have management document as to when the votes were counted. Were they counted on May 6, or prior to May 6? Thank you. A lot of members are suspicious. Find out.
Suzanne Laird’s speech to the STRS Board
May 18, 2023
Good Morning, Members of MY Board :
Why would anyone choose to be a teacher in the state of Ohio?
After working 35 years, giving 14 percent of every paycheck to a pension system that cannot seem to turn a profit, a teacher in Ohio will sign a (quote) “binding” contract with STRS, only to have it negated, leaving that Ohio teacher without a COLA.
IF you choose to teach in Ohio, and you require childcare, it certainly isn’t on-site child care, subsidized by others.
IF you choose to teach in Ohio, and you have time to go to a gym, it certainly isn’t an on-site, ten dollar-a-month gym.
And IF you have time for lunch, your cafeteria is one where you serve duty, supervising students while returning phone calls and texts to parents, maybe getting a bite of food you paid full price for.
Why would anyone teach in Ohio, a state where Governor DeWine capriciously recalls a pension Board member, on a whim, just before an election announcement, nullifying your vote?
And replaces that honorable Board member with a deep-pocketed crony, one with expertise not in education, but real estate. Well, perhaps the realtor can sell this Taj Mahal. Even the Minister of Propaganda cannot convince us there was no collusion between this institution and the one just down the street, given the “coincidental” timing.
Why pay the Propaganda Minister $195,000, when the head honcho writes a piece for the local newspaper himself, gaslighting the public? Why would a teacher in Ohio trust STRS Board members who do not raise questions regarding this latest example of corruption? Why would a teacher bother to ever vote again? This Board may not have control over other crooked chambers, but you eleven hold the fate of future educators in your hands.
When teachers across Ohio see their Board members voting, year after year, for raises and bonuses, but not voting to alleviate the injustices done to teachers, it is no wonder they will go elsewhere.
Something is rotten in the state of DeWine, and it will drive teachers out of the state of Ohio.
From Robin Rayfield, Executive Director
Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association (ORTA)
From Dean Dennis
From James Carr
May 16, 2023
Why are teachers paying 14% of their salaries to STRS and working for 35 years only to retire on a fixed income without a COLA?
The answer is simple. We are supporting a huge number of dependents.
The STRS staff of employees need our money to sustain their extravagant lifestyles. All of those bonuses, perks and amenities need to be paid for.
The politicians need our money. The donations (dark money) STRS/OEA provides are helping them to maintain their political power base. Just ask Mike DeWine, he loves us to death!
The Wall Street money managers need our money. The hidden fees provide them with millions of dollars so that they can maintain their financial empires.
So we need to keep working, and sacrificing, and doing without. Until we find a way to shed these dependents (parasites), we are never going to thrive.
STRS director: Teacher 'pension reform is working.' Board balancing needs of retirees, future
Retiree leader:Ohio teachers pension fund leaders have no real plan only propaganda
From Joe Lupo
Toledo Blade
Published: May 16, 2023
Focus on performance
Ohio’s Retirement Study Council is supposed to safeguard the retirement assets of the state’s five public pension funds.
Close observation over an extended period leaves us with little confidence they are up to the job.
It’s a critical job. Ohio’s pensions hold over $250 billion for more than 2 million public workers who are currently paying, formerly paid, or are collecting retirement benefits. Because Ohio public workers do not pay Social Security, the state system is all they can count on for retirement income.
On Thursday, the ORSC questioned State Teachers Retirement System leadership on the highly controversial plan to pay performance incentive bonuses totaling more than $11 million to investment staff.
Multiple members, including Sen. Paula Hicks Hudson (D., Toledo), prefaced their questions with admissions of ignorance on investment management. Ideally, such an important oversight body would appoint members with some degree of expertise.
But it takes no expertise whatsoever to understand the key fact on STRS.
State Auditor Keith Faber’s special investigation of STRS featured an easy to understand performance chart.
Since 2009 STRS has underperformed the results of an S&P 500 index by $90 billion. Incredibly, Ohio is paying STRS staff performance bonuses when they have demonstrably destroyed value.
If STRS had no investment staff and put the entire portfolio into an index it would literally have doubled the money it has now, according to Mr. Faber. STRS would also have paid a fraction of the fees they do now.
There is no better illustration of ORSC incompetence than discussion without resolution on $11 million in bonuses, while ignoring $90 billion in unrealized investment gains.
STRS has a $20 billion liability, has frozen cost-of-living-adjustments since 2017 and is pushing legislation to increase the amount school districts — taxpayers — contribute to the pension.
Read the rest of the article here.
From John Curry
May 15, 2023
From Joe Lupo
May 15, 2023
Update on the Illegitimate Removal of Wade Steen by Governor Mike DeWine - Part III
Joe Lupo, a retired education administrator, is the founder and administrator of the Facebook reform group Ohio STRS Member Only Forum ("MOF") which, as of this posting, numbers more than 34,000 members.
Larry Kehres | Mount Union Collge Division III |