Tom Curtis re: America the Traumatized and STRS management
Subject: 010210 Curtis To Neff & Staff, America The Traumatized
STRS Stakeholder & Retiree
Posted on December 30, 2009
(Click here to view the rest of the article)
A forum for Ohio educators interested in bringing needed reform to our pension system (STRS Ohio). John Curry ( researches many issues related to STRS Ohio and contributes them to this blog. Contributions from others are welcome, and may be sent to Kathie Bracy (
To OH Rep. Brian Williams and all:
Today, 12-30-09, in the “NEA MorningUpdate”, NEA mentions: “Award-Winning Teacher Calls For More Men To Enter Profession”.
What better initiative to fulfill the urgent need for men to enter the teaching profession than to recognize that men are being discriminated against in providing the STRS male retirees with an equal pension income with women for an equal contribution?
Traditionally, since the inception of our STRS, men have been “short changed” when compared to the amount of income derived from the STRS over the male’s shorter than women’s life span. As everyone is aware, statistically, men simply do not live as long as women. During our working career in the same professional classification of employment, we men paid into the retirement system the same amount of money that the female professional paid; therefore, due to men not living as long as women, we men are due monetary credit for this longevity difference. We simply die sooner and therefore draw out less over our retirement period. According to <> “the American longevity in men and women (who live longer) closed from 5.4 years in 2002 to 5.3 years in 2003 for women”. A major goal of our STRS is for fair treatment for all stakeholders. This 5.3 disparity should be monetarily made right.
With this in mind, our STRS should quietly correct the disparity before having to pay out greater amounts of dollars due to any possible liabilities of punitive damages brought about by the court system. A case in point, in today’s Beacon, pg. B7, 12-30-2009, “Restaurant settles discrimination suit” states: “Outback Steakhouse agreed to pay $19 million to female workers and take other steps, including hiring a new human resources executive, to settle a sex discrimination suit.” In our case, it may be determined that men indeed are not treated as well as women when it comes to the amount of pension drawn from the common male/female pool of STRS retiree recompenses. Men are owed this consideration.
As all America has recognized the equally of the sexes, this disparity for retired male teachers is long overdue for correction. Our STRS should move on this without delay. This should not need legislation to speed quickly forward.
The above is a fact not an opinion,
Robert Hudson Jones, an individual STRS retired teacher member
In a hard-hitting editorial, the authoritative Pensions & Investments magazine has criticized CalPERS for its new website CalPERS Responds and says the site “represents an effort to ’spin’ information on issues regarding its oversight of public employee benefits and pension benefit finance.”
“It is a self-serving rhetorical device. There is no balance,” says the editorial. “There is no full disclosure; actually, there is virtually no disclosure. CalPERS selectively presents only a few issues and then in only a limited way to its benefit, and it provides no significant data to back up its claims … if this were the financial disclosure website of a corporation, it certainly wouldn’t pass any minimum acceptable disclosure standard at the Securities and Exchange Commission. This is ironic in that CalPERS would certainly take issue with any corporation in its portfolio that maintained a similar one-sided website focusing on its financial or corporate governance performance.”
Since the Pensions & Investments website is accessible by subscription only, we are including the complete text of the editorial below:
From John Curry, December 29, 2009The CalPERS myths
December 28, 2009
CalPERS Responds, a new website created by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, represents an effort to “spin” information on issues regarding its oversight of public employee benefits and pension benefit finance.
CalPERS created the website,, as it states “to educate — and separate fact from fiction — about issues and our response related to pensions, investments and national health care reform … We hope this information provides education, insight and clarity.”
The website falls far short on all of those objectives. It is a self-serving rhetorical device. There is no balance. There is no full disclosure; actually, there is virtually no disclosure. CalPERS selectively presents only a few issues and then in only a limited way to its benefit, and it provides no significant data to back up its claims.
In fact, if this were the financial disclosure website of a corporation, it certainly wouldn’t pass any minimum acceptable disclosure standard at the Securities and Exchange Commission. This is ironic in that CalPERS would certainly take issue with any corporation in its portfolio that maintained a similar one-sided website focusing on its financial or corporate governance performance.
Presented in the form of a series of “myths and facts,” CalPERS examines such issues as: it “cannot come back from billions in losses.”
The website responds: “At the market’s lowest point in 2008, CalPERS assets had dropped by $100 billion. Today CalPERS has regained $40 billion in five months, and in September, its market value of assets returned to the $200 billion mark …” It doesn’t tell the reader what the high-water mark was. In fact, CalPERS still hasn’t returned to its peak asset value of $248 billion as of June 30, 2007.
The site also doesn’t discuss the impact of the financial crisis on CalPERS’ actuarial funding level. The five state plans in CalPERS, for instance, were funded at between 79% and 91% as of June 30, 2008, according to CalPERS’ main website,, and those figures don’t account for the overall market plunge since mid-2008, which would have worsened the funding level, even though the market has rebounded somewhat.
Like a lot of pension funds, CalPERS attempted to invest its way out of the dot-com crash and 9/11 market plunge. It may have been that drive to recover losses and build assets that led it to seek alternative investments. But they haven’t yet paid off.
In another “myth,” CalPERS responds to the charge that its uses “risky investment strategies and assumptions.”
In fact, CalPERS responds by saying, “Our consultants affirmed the soundness of our risk position in June 2009 … Our biggest on-paper losses, by far, were in public stocks that historically aren’t considered as risky as private equity and real estate, two asset classes that have outperformed stocks the past decade… In fact, the board’s new asset allocations slightly lowered the risk of the overall portfolio. It raised the target for private equity from 10 to 14 percent of the portfolio, and reduced the proportion of stocks in the portfolio.”
The website provides no information on CalPERS’ placement agent scandal that arose when it was revealed that money managers had paid CalPERS-connected placement agents to market their firms to the fund, or the losses associated with the private equity investments associated they made.
CalPERS has lost about $420 million in its investment in Apollo Global Management, a private equity firm, with the system’s $600 million investment recently valued at $180 million, according to a Pensions & Investments Dec. 14 story, which noted in addition CalPERS has more than 11% of its private equity exposure in Apollo-related investments.
The website fails to mention that Apollo and other private equity firms paid Alfred Villalobos, a former CalPERS trustee, and his placement agent firm, ARVCO Financial Ventures LLC, more than $70 million for successfully marketing investments to the system. CalPERS has disclosed this elsewhere.
CalPERS Responds doesn’t disclose specific reasons for the investment losses, basically attributing them to the general misfortune of market decline, rather than any specific investment decision. There is a lack of accounting and accountability in its myths-and-facts series.
The website’s home page has a link to the main CalPERS website, which has detailed information about the system and its investments, but no specific link for any of the myth and facts to promote a fuller understanding of the selective issues CalPERS raises.
The CalPERS Responds site is virtually useless. Instead of a separate website on selective issues, CalPERS should bolster its main website to make sure all the information about its investments and problems is as full and complete and timely as it could be. As a fiduciary, that is its obligation.
From RH Jones, December 28, 2009
To all:
The questions is: How can Ohio (OH) in the coming years grow its economy while at the same time helping its retired teachers from further economic losses? Backing up the need to answer this question is an article published today, 12-27-2009, by the Beacon. It reports in an article “Decade of unemployment might loom for Americans” that: “They (Feds) note that a healing economy will cause more people to stream back in the labor force, vying for too-few jobs.” In other words, can OH create more jobs without raising taxes? Sure, with a legislative grant to exempt retired teachers income from all state income tax would help do it.
States are generally free from federal control in deciding how to tax pensions. Currently, there are ten of the 50-states that offer retired teacher exemptions. These include Alabama, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New York and Pennsylvania. (Source: Retirement Living Information Center) You will notice OH is not one of them.out of the top ten states taxing retired teachers OH at 10.4% puts OH in 4th. Place! Only Maryland (10.8%), Hawaii (10.6%) California (10.5%), lead our Ohio (10.4%). To continue -- according to the Tax Foundation -- the nation as a whole paid an average of 9.7%, down from 9.9% in 2007. This was primarily because income grew faster that tax collections between 2007 and 2008. Therefore, friends, is it no wonder then that retired teachers are having trouble keeping up with those who are employed? Sadly, this source states that
Further, you may ask, why do retired educators need an exemption from Ohio (OH) state income tax? This is because retired educators are not “well to do” and taxing us is burdensome in our senior years when inflationary pressures, particularly of health care/prescription costs, increased local taxes and escalating energy costs, have greatly diminished our limited purchasing power. For the foreseeable future, it may be difficult for us to secure an effective COLA, our supplemental “catch-up” (13th) check, or an Ad Hoc raise in our base. Without a hedge against inflation, an income tax break is therefore the right thing for the legislature to do at the moment.
Exempting retired teachers is a positive benefit for OH as a way for economic development. To innumerate this: 1) All things being equal, having a lower tax burden for us makes OH a more attractive place for teachers to retire and live in than in state with a higher income tax rate. 2) More retiree money being spent at home in OH makes more OH private sector jobs that, therefore, brings in additional tax money into state coffers. 3) Relatives or friends living with retired educators will also spend, and if employed, will be paying OH income taxes and all other state an local taxes; all-the-while, helping to create both OH private and public employment as well. 4) In periods of heavy demand, residing retired teachers fulfill substitute-teaching and tutoring positions. 5) OH residing retired teachers provide universities and school systems with master teachers that supervise student teachers. 6) Retired teachers choosing to live in OH pay rent and property taxes here, as well as sales taxes. 7) We spend our health care and prescription (HC/Rx) dollars in OH employing HC/Rx workers. 8) Too numerous to list here, retired teachers in OH provide a host of employment for the numerous retail businesses. 8) Not to be ignored is the large number of retired teachers who for no pay volunteer in any number of service industries such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes, religious intuitions, juvenile centers, all of which save the state monies that would have to be paid to hire people to do this OH service work. Of course, OH teachers retired to other states enrich that those states with their OH dollars. As every taxpayer should know, 25% of retired teacher income comes from them; and, therefore, the OH legislature owes the taxpayer the effort to keep this tax money here in OH. In spending, what goes around comes around or we lose it to other states. 9) Without this tax break to entice retired teachers to stay here with family and friends, and without hope of Ad Hocs, the 13th check, and the threat of a reduced simple COLA, many resident retired teachers will be forced into Medicaid and other state welfare subsidies. 10) Forcing active teachers into defined contributions, rather than the tried and time tested defined benefit system, will further weaken the income of those educators who are already retired. This will force many to migrate to state that do, at least, give them a state tax break greater than Ohio’s. Any out migration of OH retired educators weakens OH, which is already losing population, and risking losing, some say, two U.S. Congressional seats! That means less federal income tax dollars coming back to OH. Therefore, the need to keep retired teachers here in their home state is real. 11) Increasing resident OH retired teachers has been a goal of teacher unions for many years. Any legislators that sponsor a retired teacher income tax exemption bill will be well remembered by the active as well as retired teachers, and their unions. Everyone benefits. Even being of southern heritage, to me, OH offers the best in fulfilling my retirement needs and I would like to continue to live here and spend here where I was employed as a career OH teacher. 12) With their vote, resident retired educators have traditionally backed public education that has been the catalyst that has made OH great and successful in the competition for an educated work force for businesses. OH residing retired teachers provide universities and school systems with master teachers that supervise student teachers.
As a reasonable conclusion, one must conclude that in these modern times, in order for OH to move forward economically, this tax exemption for retired educators will be a catalyst that brings OH out of this economic recession.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Hudson Jones, an OEA, OEA-R, NEOEA-R, ORTA, SummitCRTA, and proud member of the CORE
Larry Kehres | Mount Union Collge Division III |