November 2005
STRS exposé earns Ethics in Government
Dr. Dennis Leone receives the Ethics in Government Award from
Joy Paolo, Paolo Consulting LLC, sponsor of the award, and John Wahle,
Ohio GFOA president.
For “exposing a terrible and arrogant
entitlement culture” at the State Teachers Retirement System beginning in
1995, the Government Finance Officers Association presented its 2005
Ethics in Government Award to Dr. Dennis Leone in Cleveland Sept.
In nominating Dr. Leone for the award,
members of the association noted that he “acquired proof that the STRS Board and
the STRS staff had been spending pension money and taxpayer money on things like
booze, parties, concert tickets, Kings Island, baseball games, gifts, paid
airfare and paid lodging for STRS visitors, multiple lavish trips to places like
Honolulu and Palm Springs (spending $540,000 between 2000, 2001 and 2002), a new
office complex that would make Saddam Hussein blush (spending $94.1 million),
sculptures and artwork for the new STRS headquarters (spending $869,000), a
special child care services center for employees of STRS (spending $818,000 to
build and $500,000 on an annual basis to operate), and giant bonus checks for
435 STRS employees (totaling $24.4 million between 1998 and 2003) at a time when total stock market assets
at STRS dropped a staggering $12.3 billion.”
STRS, Dr. Leone told the Board, should
not stand for “Sculptures, Travel, Retreats and Spending.”
Dr. Leone also found that the staff
increased from 414 to 735 and administrative expenses increased 17.4 percent
from 2000 to 2002. Continuing research by Dr. Paul E. Kostyu,
Columbus bureau chief for Copley Newspapers, disclosed that STRS employees who
adopted a child received a $5000 gift from pension money. In
another STRS policy reported by Dr. Kostyu, the executive director received a
percentage of every staff bonus check he gave.
On June 16, 2004, when Gov. Robert Taft
signed into law the pension reform bill with the sweeping changes pushed for by
Dr. Leone, the governor presented Dr. Leone with one of the pens he used to sign
the bill.
addition to the Ethics in Government Award, in 2004 Dr. Leone earned the coveted
First Amendment Award by the Society of Professional Journalists for his STRS
investigation and the related “house cleaning” that followed. In this list of
previous winners you will find Dr. Leone along with some other
individuals/organizations who have won that award:
First Amendment
This award recognizes significant contributions
to the First Amendment rights of freedom of expression. Individuals and
organizations both inside and outside of journalism are eligible.
2012 – Dan Gearino, Columbus
2011 – Evan Millward, Ohio University
2010 – Randy Ludlow,
Columbus Dispatch
2009 – Geoff Dutton and Mike Wagner, Columbus
2008 – Jill Riepenhoff and Jennifer Smith Richards,
Columbus Dispatch
2007 – Marc Dann, Ohio attorney general
2006 –
Fred Gittes, Gittes & Schulte
2005 – State Rep. W. Scott Oelslager, R,
2004 – Dennis Leone, former
superintendent of Chillicothe Schools
2003 – Martin Rozenman, Suburban
News Publications
2002 – Catherine Candisky and Darrel Rowland, The
Columbus Dispatch
2001 – Staff of the Ohio State University
2000 – Thomas A. Schwartz, OSU journalism professor
– Cliff Wiltshire, Suburban News Publications
1998 – Verne Edwards,
Delaware Gazette
1997 – Frank Deaner, Ohio Newspaper
1996 – Martin Yant, Ohio Observer magazine
1995 –
Staff of the Ohio University Post
1994 – The Columbus
Dispatch and Editor Bob Smith
1993 – not presented
1992 – Alan D.
Miller, The Columbus Dispatch
1991 – The Fairfield County
1990 – Luke Feck, former Dispatch editor
1989 –
Andrew Douglas, Ohio Supreme Court Justice
1986 – Sam Perdue, Columbus
Citizen-Journal city editor and columnist
1983 – Judge John W. McCormac
of the Franklin County Court of Appeals
* * * * *
Catcher of Thieves
Dennis Leone, Chillicothe (Ohio) School District
January 2004
Leone didn't initially intend to play Robin Hood when he heard rumors
of excessive spending at the State Teachers Retirement System office in
early 2003. But once this Ohio superintendent realized the extent of
the pension board's decadence on the backs of retirees, he gladly
accepted the role.
business trips, parties and large bonuses were all paid for using the
ever-diminishing assets earmarked for teacher retirement. At the same
time in his district of Chillicothe, Leone was forced to slash $1.7
million from the 2003 budget. Gut-wrenching decisions resulted in the
closure of three schools and the layoff of 45 staff members.
Meanwhile, whispers about the retirement system continued. While health-care costs
and pension assets took a plunge, the system's leaders were still
treating themselves like royalty. "Frankly, I didn't believe it," says
Leone, who has been a superintendent for more than 20 years.
wrote a letter in February 2003 asking questions about the spending
practices. "In my school district, when we have declining assets, we
take steps to cut costs," Leone told the pension board. He got no
Leone Superintendent, Chillicothe (Ohio) School District Age: 53
Tenure in district: 7 years Educational inspiration: His father's work
as a professor and administrator at the University of Kansas Favorite
pastimes: Fishing, reading Current reading focus: World War II history
(his father landed in Normandy on D-Day). Right now, Leone is reading
Tom Brokaw's The Greatest Generation (Random House, 1998). Magazine
he's hooked on: National Geographic After 10 weeks of research, Leone
confronted the STRS and demanded answers. "I felt like they were trying
to get rid of me," he says.
to information gathered by Leone and released to the Ohio press,
administrative costs at the STRS increased 17 percent during a six-year
period. Thirty-four employees received bonuses of more than $40,000 in
2002. More than $480,000 a year was going toward child care for STRS
employees. Leone's advocacy made him something of a celebrity among
teachers in Ohio, where he has spent his entire educational career. The
state-level work was a far cry from the personal interactions he was
used to having in his own district, where he makes a point to work
closely with both teachers and students.
his own count, he received 400-plus letters and e-mails from throughout
the state about his efforts to uncover the truth. After devoting their
lives to the children of Ohio, teachers were being betrayed. "Everyone
was outraged. We had all been naïve. We had been too trusting, sleepy
and ignorant. We thought we were sending our pensions to a bank in
Switzerland," Leone says.
superintendent has pushed the Ohio legislature to put in extra
safeguards to prevent his level of malfeasance from happening again.
"Dennis has been very outspoken in his frustration," says state Sen.
Kirk Schuring. "He has been a tenacious crusader." Schuring has helped
devise legislation to provide internal auditing of the pension fund's
spending practice. "I think the legislature will respond in a positive
way to the measure," he notes.
Moral of the story
Joyce Atwood, an assistant superintendent, says that the moral stand
Leone took in this situation is emblematic of his management
style.Devoted to children and his district, he would never take a step
to compromise them, she says. For instance, he makes a point to be at all of the schools' important events and to be a constant presence in students' lives.
might make for 80-hour work weeks, but it does have its rewards. Last
year's high school graduating class dedicated their yearbook to him, an
honor he points to with pride.
says her boss "has a sense of what is right. He feels he has an
obligation to help individuals. Projects and issues are handled with
the day is done, Leone wishes he never had to be in a position to take
on the pension board. Although not a naysayer by nature, he says he
finds himself being more skeptical, especially about what goes on at
the state level. Perhaps he should keep that Robin Hood hat on hand,
just in case.
Steven Scarpa is a reporter and freelance writer based in Shelton, Conn.