Saturday, March 05, 2011
Clifford turned his back on his fellow educators and public servants, didn't he?
Before becoming elected as the representative for the 76th Ohio House District, Cliff was a teacher and coach for nearly 30 years. Originally beginning his career in Danville, Kentucky, after earning a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from The University of Kentucky, Cliff made his way back to his hometown of Findlay, Ohio where he retired from teaching and coaching at Findlay High School. During his coaching tenure, Cliff won eight league championships, coached three National Football League players, coached 22 First Team All-State football players and was selected Coach of the Year six times. Cliff remains the winningest head football coach at both Bryan and Findlay high schools. is a list of those organizations who endorsed Hite for his most recent election in 2010. THIS INFORMATION WAS TAKEN RIGHT OFF CLIFF'S VERY OWN WEBSITE! It's interesting to note that, besides the OEA, the rest of the organizations below are moderate to extremely "right wing"......aren't they?
2010 Endorsements:
• Buckeye Firearms
• National Rifle Association
• Ohio Chamber of Commerce
• Ohio Education Association
• Ohio House Republican Organizational Committee
• Ohio Republican Party
• Ohio Right to Life
Republican Senator who was "jerked" off the committee (30 minutes before the vote) and replaced by Cliff Hite opens up to the public about this fiasco

SEITZ: [I told Niehaus] I’m not sure it looks real good, particularly in the context of a management rights bill, to have you exercise management rights over your own roommate, friend, and fellow party member. Because if that’s what can happen to a sitting state senator, what’s going to happen to you if you’re a nervous firefighter, teacher, or policeman — what’s going to happen to you if this bill passes?
A lesson for Ohio's public servants re: Hite and Jones and a previous attempt to fleece Ohio's retirement systems and to force them into divestiture
Subject: HB 151
STRS Retiree
Ohio Air National Guard 1963-69
Proud CORE Member
Regular Session
Sub. H. B. No. 151
To amend sections 135.143, 148.04, 3305.01, 3305.02, and 3334.02 and to enact sections 137.01 to 137.09 of the Revised Code to specify procedures for divesting investments a public investor holds in directly held publicly traded companies conducting specified types of business in the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of the Sudan and to prohibit public investors from investing in such a company and to authorize the Ohio public deferred compensation board, the alternative retirement program, and the Ohio college savings program to offer a terror-free investment option.
Teachers...are you ready to kiss tenure goodbye?

As currently amended, Senate Bill 5, sponsored by Sen. Shannon Jones,, a suburban Cincinnati Republican, would ban strikes by public employees and, for police and fire contract negotiations, end binding arbitration. It would cap, at 85 percent, the maximum taxpayer share of public employee health-benefit costs; forbid public employers from picking up the tab for an employee's share of retirement contributions; and replace "continuing contracts" (essentially, automatically renewable contracts) for teachers with set-term contracts.
They did it but....they would prefer that you forget about who "they" are!
As you know, the bill was passed out of the Senate this week, with Senate President Tom Niehaus casting the deciding vote.
We’ve been told that she said something similar elsewhere. She objects to any idea that she was the decisive vote on SB5, but instead calling it Niehaus’ decision under the same plausible deniability of a fire squad—sure, I pulled the trigger, but I don’t think my rifle had the live round.
Okay, let’s give Gillmor the benefit of her argument. She wasn’t the deciding vote in whether to pass Senate Bill 5, but doesn’t that still make her the deciding vote to let Niehaus be the deciding vote? And is she surprised at how Niehaus voted after he removed two anti-SB 5 Senators from the committees that could have killed the bill if they stayed on?
Not even twenty-four hours after the vote, and we’ve got Senators on the defensive about their “Yes” votes.
Oh, and there’s one other major problem with Gillmor’s “I wasn’t the decider” defense. As anyone who watched the vote (and as reflected on pg. 6 of that day’s Senate Journal) knows, immediately after the vote, Senator Grendell demanded a verification of the vote under Senate Rule 65 which states:
Rule 65. (Verification of Vote.) After the roll has been called, any senator may demand a verification of the vote. The Clerk shall read, first the names of those senators voting in the affirmative, then of those voting in the negative, at which time any senator, on account of error or for any other reason, may change his or her vote. (emphasis added.)
Yep, Grendell gave anyone who voted for SB 5 an opportunity change their vote and defeat the bill after everyone was aware of the final roll call vote showed it passing by only one vote. Senators Gillmor, LaRose, Stewart, and others could have easily changed their votes, thus defeating the bill. The bill passed on their silence to take the second chance Grendell gave them.
So, yes, Senator Gillmor, you were the deciding vote to permit SB 5 to pass. If not when you decided, as you yourself argue, to let President Niehaus cast the deciding vote for passage, then at least when you failed to decide to change your vote to change the outcome.
Stop making excuses for what you did, and start owning (and fixing) what you’ve done.
Friday, March 04, 2011
SB 5 - Who to thank and who to spank!

Democrats are coded blue.
I think I've found a pattern....
How 'bout you?
Niehaus(R)Total: 17 "yeas"
Wilson(D)Total: 16 "nays"
Readers of Clifford's hometown newspaper (Findlay Courier) blast homeboy Hite!
CORE to meet March 17
Debbie Lack writes to Senator Hite's hometown newspaper
Subject: CEE Contact Form: Senator Hite and SB 5
Somehow I think Hite's Administrative Aide just missed the message...don't you?
Subject: RE:"I love myself"
Administrative Aide to State Senator Cliff Hite
(614) 466-8150
Subject:"I love myself"
Video: Ohio's US Senator Sherrod Brown on 'Hardball' talking about assault on the Middle Class
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Letter to the Findlay Courier: Cliff Hite was a member of the FEA
ANOTHER protest in the week at the State of the State address in Columbus!
Following the 17-16 vote to send S.B. 5 to the Ohio House, State Sen. Michael Skindell (D-Lakewood) addressed S.B. 5 opponents gathered for a vigil at the Statehouse.
A fired up Skindell calls for 70,000 to protest Gov.Kasich next Tuesday when he delivers his first State of the State Address.
Video (1 minute) of the plea for marchers next week:
To these Republicans, I take off my hat......
And now, professors, it's your turn to take one for the team!
Retired educator to Sen. Cliff Hite....You 'sold out' your fellow teachers and ALL PUBLIC employees
retired teacher
John, did you jump the fence?

February 2, 2011
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Come November, we'll remember!
So, just who were the Senators on the Senate Bill 5 committee today who voted YES for the passage of Senate Bill 5? Here they are...THE HALL OF SHAME! Do not forget them the next time you see them on your ballot! Please share this with all public servants on your email list.
Click image twice to enlarge.

Thanks, Jim Provance, for saying what others have doubted............
March 2, 2011