Saturday, September 09, 2006
Duane Tron: About Dave
Dear All,
Dave Speas responds to Paul Boyer and RH Jones
Paul Boyer: A response to RH Jones
RH Jones to Dave Speas: We need direction from ORTA
Another response to Damon's long, long, long, long letter
RH Jones to Ann Hanning: Can you name names?
Friday, September 08, 2006
From a retired OEA staffer re: STRS 2007 healthcare premiums and coverage
Subject: Re: Read and weep - 2007 STRS HC premiums are posted
This is criminal. To keep up this silly inane method of health coverage and cost is only promoting people not to retire until reaching the age for medicare coverage. It is nice to see the STRS is a family oriented group. Let us leave out the spouse in the coverage. What a sad, sad joke.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
A thanks to Dave Speas
Subject: Re: Dave, have you heard back from ORTA?
From: Dave Speas, September 7, 2006
From: John Curry, September 7, 2006
From: Dave Speas, Sept. 7, 2006
Ann Hanning responds to Bob (RH) Jones
As of today, we have met with 31 of 33 Senators and more than 70 of the 99 Representatives. We have appointments with five representatives on Tuesday, Sept 12, 2006. As you know both the House & Senate are in recess as members campaign for office.
The Legislative Services Commission (LSC) has drafted (at the request of a legislator) the HC proposal into bill format. The bill has no number or sponsor at the moment.
While the House is currently scheduled to spend 2 days in Columbus before the election; there are no known plans at this time for the House members to do likewise. However, we expect a very busy "lame duck" session.
The HCA/STRS Legislative Team includes: Ann Hanning, Bill Leibensperger (OEA), Larry Lewellyn (IUC), Terri Bierdeman (STRS), and Mike Spino (HCA Project Director). Sometimes Tom Mooney (OFT), Colleen O'Brien (IUC), Robert Davis (OEA) or Marla Bump join the group. We have reported to the STRS Board regularly. I also share the information with ORTA members in various ways.
Meetings continue to be held with OSBA, OASBO and BASA leadership. In addition, presentations on the HC proposal have been given at local school board meetings. Please be aware that we are not just waiting for the election - or anything.
Last week a local school treasurer did his math during presentation at a school board meeting. He said this would cost his district about $150,000 when fully implemented (5 years), and they would save more than twice that amount next year if xxx number of eligible teachers would retire this year. OSBA has not changed their position and embraced the HC proposal; however, I think that the public declarations of "going to war" are in the past.
ORTA has been meeting with the spokemen for the Coalition for School Funding Reform. In addition, I attended the meeting of the Coalition for Public Education (CPE) in June. The latter group is still waiting for the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of charter schools. Meanwhile they have once again addressed the "test scores" for charter schools (and public schools) that were released mid-August. The general thinking is that the Supreme Court will not release it's ruling until after the election - the closer we get to Nov 7, the less likely they will issue their ruling before the election.
I hope that I've answered your question. Take care.
STRS FLASHBACK - 3 YEARS AGO TODAY - Hazel's last "junket" and what happened to those video conferences, Laura?
By PAUL E. KOSTYU Copley Columbus Bureau chief
2007 STRS HC premiums posted on ORTA website
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
FLASHBACK: A 2003 Kostyu article re: Two supers sparring over Billirakis' pay
Chillicothe Superintendent Dennis Leone accused the Perry Local Schools in Lake County of fraud for billing STRS for the lost services of STRS board member Michael N. Billirakis, who has been on Perry’s payroll in name only for the past two years.
Leone later retracted his accusation, but still said Perry schools should not have billed STRS more than $33,000 during the last two years to pay part of Billirakis’ salary.
Perry Superintendent Tim Berkey said the charge was “absolutely unfounded.” He accused Leone of violating Ohio law by using taxpayers’ money to pursue a personal, political battle not in the interest of the Chillicothe district.
The two superintendents duked it out in an hour-long phone conversation Wednesday night.
The issue, however, may now be moot. Billirakis said Thursday he agreed with Leone. He asked Perry schools to stop billing STRS in January. He said neither Perry nor STRS should pay for his salary if he’s not teaching.
Billirakis said the National Education Association, where he is an executive committee member, will reimburse Perry for the portion of his salary the union has not covered the past two years. Then, he said, Perry will reimburse STRS.
Billirakis said his pay this year will come entirely from NEA, where his full-time position keeps him on the road in and out of Ohio most of the year. Billirakis said he will initiate a change in board policy this month about how STRS reimburses districts.
“I’ve found board members are all over the place in how they’re charging,” he said.
Districts with employees on the STRS board are allowed to bill the pension fund for the cost of hiring a substitute or replacement for the days missed because of board business.
Billirakis has not been in a classroom since 1988, when he became an officer in the Ohio Education Association, the state’s largest teacher union. In 2001 when he was named an NEA executive, Billirakis moved his teaching contract to Perry schools from a lower-paying district in Portage County. Doing so improved Billirakis’ benefits when he retires. Perry lists his salary, including benefits, at $101,820. Billirakis lives in Pickerington, southeast of Columbus, while Lake County is east of Cleveland.
Berkey said Billirakis, a social-studies teacher, is on a “leave of absence” and “does not perform any work for Perry.”
Leone questioned how Billirakis could be on leave from a position that never existed or he never filled.
“It’s fraud to get reimbursement,” Leone said.
Leone said Thursday morning, “The more I think about it, I think that all three (Perry, STRS and Billirakis) are equal partners to the problem. I think this whole deal smells really bad.”
Damon Asbury, interim executive director of STRS, did not return a phone call for comment Thursday.
Leone said his school district’s attorney said he has not violated any law in his campaign for accountability. “I don’t want my district’s (retirement) contribution to go up because of misspending by STRS,” Leone said.
“A school administrator should not be taking taxpayers’ dollars to pursue a political issue,” Berkey said. “This is not a school district issue.”
You can reach Columbus Bureau Chief Paul E. Kostyu at (614) 222-8901 or e-mail:
Dennis Leone re: Rehired Retirees article in Lima News 9/5/06
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Dennis Leone to Sally Buis: Additional points to consider re: rehires
Thank you, Sally, for your comments below. Yes, you are correct in assuming that all dollars set aside is per person.
Thanks, John!
Jim Kimmel to Susan Zelman: Puckett must go
Hmm. It gets curiouser and curiouser.
Go to page 8 and then page 2 of this Adobe Acrobat download. Michael Billirakis was issued a limited one-year contract for the 2006-2007 school year (page 8) at the very same board meeting in which the board accepted his resignation effective at the end of the 2007-2008 school year (page 2)!! John
CORE Constitution: Final proposal to be considered for ratification 9/14/06
Concerned Ohio Retired Educators
We, the members of the Concerned Ohio Retired Educators, hereinafter identified as CORE, in order to develop a well-defined and effective organization do hereby establish this Constitution.
Article I – Name
The name of the organization will be Concerned Ohio Retired Educators, henceforth referred to as CORE.
Article II – Mission Statement
CORE is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to advocate for the preservation of retirement benefits, including health care, to all Ohio educators under the control of the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS).
To monitor the compliance of the STRS Board and staff with ORC 3307.15.
To support the election of Board members who will “discharge their duties with respect to the funds solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries.”
To advocate for the security of adequate retirement benefits.
To advocate for a dedicated stream of funding for the Health Care Stabilization Fund in order to guarantee health care for all STRS members, spouses, and dependents.
To monitor inappropriate spending of STRS funds by the STRS Board and/or any STRS employee.
To establish a fair and equitable balance of active and retired members to serve on the STRS board.
To research and collect information about STRS, legislation, and other related matters, and to report and distribute this information to Ohio's current and future retired educators.
Article III – Membership
Participation in CORE is open to all Ohio educators, future and current retirees and their dependents. We must all work together to ensure the success of CORE and to preserve retirement rights for Ohio's educators.
Article IV – Governance
1. CORE will be governed by a Board of Trustees with a minimum of seven members. It shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees to receive input from the CORE membership, establish policies that reflect the ideas and attitudes of the membership, direct the actions of all CORE officers, and approve all documents or communiqués that represent official CORE publications.
a. Nominations for selection as a member of the Board of Trustees may be made by anyone listed as a CORE member and meeting all requirements of active membership as set forth in Article III of this document.
b. Should a vacancy on the Board of Trustees occur, selection of a CORE member to complete the remainder of the term shall occur within thirty days of that vacancy
c. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Trustees, selection of a replacement shall be determined by a two-thirds (67%) vote of the existing Board of Trustees .
d. Removal of a CORE Trustee shall follow the procedure outlined in Article VIII of this document.
2. CORE shall elect a President who shall preside at all meetings.
The President shall carry out the directives of the Board of Trustees and be the official spokesperson for CORE.
a. The President shall maintain the power to appoint all committee chairpersons, shall be an ex officio member of all committees, shall present all motions to the body, and shall be present at CORE meetings.
b. The President shall appoint a parliamentarian who shall use “Robert’s Rules of Order” to resolve questions of parliamentary procedure.
3. CORE shall elect a Vice President.
a. The Vice President’s duties shall be to preside at all meetings and functions that the President cannot attend and remain current on all CORE business.
4. CORE shall elect a Secretary.
a. The Secretary shall keep the official minutes of all CORE meetings, including the attendance of officers, and regularly report them to the membership.
5. CORE shall elect a Treasurer.
a. The Treasurer shall handle all dues, maintain and regularly report on the status of all accounts, and keep an accurate roll of all CORE members.
Article V – Operations
1. Voting Eligibility
a. Those members meeting all requirements of active membership as set forth in Article III and in attendance at any meeting where a vote is taken, will be granted voting privileges.
2. Election Process
a. Elections shall be held at the CORE Annual Membership Meeting in September of each year.
b. All officers shall be elected by a majority vote (51%) of the eligible voting members of CORE in attendance at the CORE meeting designated as an election meeting.
c. All persons must give consent for their names to be placed in nomination and attest to their willingness to serve if elected.
d. The President shall take nominations from the floor, the nomination process must be closed and the movement seconded. The nominated parties will be allowed to vote.
e. All voting shall be done by secret ballot to be collected and tabulated by the Secretary and one voting member of CORE to be selected by the Board of Trustees.
f. Election results shall be reported to the CORE membership by the Secretary before the meeting is adjourned, if possible, or no later than forty-eight hours after the election.
3. Term of Office
a. The term of office shall be for a period of no longer than two years.
b. All officers may succeed themselves if so elected by the membership.
4. Meetings
a. All meetings will occur at a time and place to be designated by the Board of Trustees and will follow the general procedure set forth below:
i. Attendance
ii. Report by the President
iii. Committee Reports
iv. Vote on all Committee motions/decisions
v. Any other Business
vi. Dismissal by the President
b. There shall be a minimum of four (4) meetings per year.
c. The CORE Annual Membership Meeting shall be held in September of each year.
d. Committee Chairs may call meetings of their committee as needed. Minutes and a report of the meeting shall be made to the CORE President.
Article VI – Finances
CORE will finance the activities it engages in by the following means:
1. Contributions
2. Special projects or events organized by the Board of Trustees .
Article VII – Amending the Constitution
This constitution is binding to all members of CORE but the constitution is not binding unto itself.
1. Amendments to the constitution must be proposed in writing to the Board of Trustees. Any voting member of CORE may propose an amendment.
2. These amendments will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of CORE and notification of the consideration of the amendment will be sent to members via the CORE E-mail Alert system.
3. Voting to ratify the proposed amendment shall take place at the second regular meeting after it has been presented to the Board of Trustees .
4. Proposed amendments will become effective following approval of two-thirds (67%) vote of all eligible voting members in attendance at the ratification meeting.
Article VIII – Removal of Officers
Any officer of CORE in violation of CORE’s purpose or constitution may be removed from office by the following process:
1. A written request to the Board of Trustees by at least five members of CORE.
2. Written notification of the request to the officer, asking the officer to be present at the next meeting and be prepared to speak.
3. A two-thirds (67%) majority vote of the eligible voting members in attendance at the meeting is necessary to remove the officer.
Article IX – Dissolution of the Organization
When CORE's goals are reached the organization may be disbanded.
1. The Board of Trustees, by a two-thirds (67%) majority vote, shall call for a motion to disband the organization.
2. Notification of the motion and the date of the meeting called to vote on the motion shall be posted for CORE members at least 30 days prior to the meeting date.
3. A two-thirds (67%) majority vote of the eligible voting members of CORE in attendance at the CORE meeting designated as a meeting to vote on dissolution shall be required for the motion to pass.
4. All remaining monies held by CORE, after expenses have been met, will be dispersed by the Board of Trustees to retired teachers with health care needs.
Article X - Adoption and Effective Date
This constitution shall become effective immediately upon adoption.
Article I - Membership
Section 1: Registration is required for CORE membership.
Section 2: There are no formal fees for CORE membership. Donations are crucial to the support of CORE’s mission.
Section 3: Honorary memberships can be bestowed by a majority (51%) vote of the Board of Trustees.
Article II - Notification of Meetings
Section 1: It will be the duty of the Secretary to post notices of regular or called meetings to members at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
Article III - E-mail Lists
Section 1: CORE shall maintain a contact list (database) of those who wish to be informed of CORE activities, etc.
a. Access to the CORE database shall be limited to:
i. The author of the database
ii. The CORE President
iii. The CORE Secretary
iv. The CORE Treasurer
v. The person designated by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees to send official CORE Alerts.
Section 2: CORE shall establish an E-mail Alert System for the purposes of quickly disseminating CORE information.
a. The Board of Trustees shall, by a majority vote, designate a CORE member as the person responsible for sending all official CORE E-mail Alerts.
i. Only official releases approved by a majority of the Board of Trustees shall be sent via the E-mail Alert System.
ii. CORE ALERT shall be included in the subject line of all official releases.
Section 3: The database shall be maintained by a CORE member to be designated by a majority vote of the Board of Trustees.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall forward, in a timely manner, lists of all new CORE members so that they may be included on the CORE Contact List.
Section 1: CORE shall maintain an Internet website.
a. The Board of Trustees shall, by a majority vote (51%), designate a CORE member as the person responsible for managing and maintaining the CORE website.
b. Any information posted on the CORE website shall be approved by a majority vote (51%) of the Board of Trustees before it is published.
c. The CORE website may be updated as directed by the Board of Trustees but shall, at a minimum, be updated quarterly.
d. The cost of maintaining the CORE website shall be paid from the CORE general fund.
Article V - Amending the Bylaws
1. Amendments to the bylaws must be proposed in writing to the Board of Trustees. Any voting member of CORE may propose an amendment.
2. These amendments will be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting of CORE and notification of the consideration of the amendment will be sent to members via the CORE E-mail Alert system.
3. Voting to ratify the amendment shall take place at the second regular meeting after it has been presented to the Board of Trustees.
4. Proposed amendments will become effective following approval of majority (51%) of the vote of all eligible voting members in attendance at the ratification meeting.