Saturday, January 27, 2007
Your letters to legislators are needed NOW to get Tom Hall appointed to STRS Board
Jon Husted, Speaker of the Ohio House
77 South High Street
14th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215-6111
Phone: 614-644-6008
Fax: 614-719-3591
William Harris, President of the Ohio Senate
Ohio Statehouse, Room 201
2nd Floor
Columbus, OH 43215
Phone: 614-466-8086
No fax # given
In addition to your communication with these two men, CORE encourages you to contact your own state senator and state representative to encourage their support of Dr. Tom Hall. They will have influence with Speaker Husted and Pres. Harris. Click here to find your state legislators
Friday, January 26, 2007
Just for fun
Molly to June: Your premium is less if you're on Medicare
Subject: RE: HC Insurance
No. You pay less with Medicare.
My premium based on 30 yrs. is: $163
A Medicare premium based on 30 yrs. is: approx. $69 or less.
The less yrs you have, the more premium you have to pay.
It works the same for all:
Part A: STRS for overnight stays is the Primary and Medicare is the secondary insurer.
Part B: Medicare is the Primary and STRS is the secondary insurer.
After BOTH Medicare and then STRS pays (STRS is self insured: Med Mut. and Aetna, etc. do the managing , paperwork, etc.) you pay 20% of the remaining costs up to $1500 out of pocket max + $500 deduc. totalling $2000 yrly for your portion. STRS then kicks in with 100% over that amount.
Premiums do not go towards your costs at all.
Premiums pay for your access or for you to have the insurance.
Caremark Charged with Breach of Duty
RH Jones to Ann Hanning: Scabs next?
Subject: Re: The ORTA Quarterly Vol. 60, No.1 Winter 2007- suggestions
Thanks for responding. The explanation of the CPE would be great in the Spring Quarterly. Your NOTE about Sen. Fedor being an opponent of charter schools was a great addition. But, I think that we need to always mention in our articles that ORTA is a charter school opponent, as well. And that we think public tax dollars going into the greedy hands of charter school profit-oriented entrepreneurs is not right.
Teaching children is not the same as sending tax dollars to entrepreneurs to build highways and such. Children are just too precious to be short-changed by those who think private enterprise is the answer to educating children. Contrary to what some legislators have been saying, recent research concerning failed public schools is nonsense. The public controls them, entrepreneurs control charter schools. Our public schools have served America greatly for over 200 successful years. We want to be sure that continue for even another 200 years, and beyond.
Scab teachers who work in these charter schools are not welcomed by me into membership in the ORTA. If this is happening, or will happen, the next thing would be the ORTA supporting such scabs to sit on the STRS board! If they work for charter schools, they most certainly are of agreement in that failed and flawed philosophy. ORTA for public school retirees ONLY! That is the way the membership will grow. (Note: I was told by an ORTA representative that ORTA is letting them in. I don't know if that is factual or not. If so, it should end now.)
Bob Jones, Life Member, ORTA
Ann Hanning to RH Jones, a clarification: CPE supports public education, not charter schools
Thursday, January 25, 2007
RH Jones: Some suggestions for ORTA
Subject: The ORTA Quarterly Vol. 60, No.1 Winter 2007- suggestions
To my ORTA:
I thank both ORTA President, Dr. Don Bright, & ORTA's Exec. Dir., Ann Hanning, for attending the 01/8/07 STRS board meeting. As a concerned Life Member, I offered some suggestions for the Quarterly to become more focused on reporting retiree economic problems rather than using so much valuable & expensive space for social salutes. Would not it be better to salute those who have made positive change in the way our STRS operates.
The numerous so called achievements of 4-term Gov. Rhodes(R) is especially misleading. During Gov. Rhodes tenure in the statehouse school funding was pitiful. He funded vocational education well, and I applaud that, but he short changed the rest of public education until the public finally "wised up" and voted him out-of-office. As the articles' writer, Dr. B. R. Shoemaker, reported that Gov. Rhodes was 'Ohio's Greatest Governor'. He most certainly was not. I was active in my AEA, NEOEA, & OEA/OFT at that time and can tell you life was difficult for educators under his administration. We union members fought him hard for proper state funding. School children were not one of his priorities.
Ann Hannings article mentioned that ORTA is a member of CPE but failed to mention that that group supports charter schools. The budget this year is hurting retired public school educators. Because of charter schools, less teachers are paying into STRS at a time when that lost revenue is sorely needed. And, of course, charter school teachers earn less. Most are desperate for jobs and are not as fully educated as public school educators either. The legislators who are supporting the extinction of our public schools and it's STRS need to be identified and their names published in the Quarterly! Most are from rural areas, by the way. With 32,000 ORTA members, as reported to me by Dr. Bright, we have the gray power to rid the state of them by our collective votes.
And Jeff Chapman's article (page 4) failed to mention how or what he was doing to move our retirement system ahead. Most was simply reporting what we can read in the STRS publications. He has been a disappointment. I expected more of one backed by our
All you folks at ORTA need to provide a surge in 2007 to protect and improve our retirement system; and to provide some strong leadership for your members. Being timid will get us nowhere. Even Jesus threw out the money changers. Let us work hard to identify and continue to vote out politicians who do not want to fund public schools and their children. The April 24 Columbus gathering will be our chance.
RHJones, ORTA for life -- without STRS, there is no life for us. By the way, PROUD to be a CORE member.
RH Jones re: his speech to STRS Board January 18, 2007; how pickups are HURTING, not helping us
Subject: R. H. Jones' speech at STRS Bd 01/18/07
Report on John Lazares, January 25, 2007
Molly Janczyk to Ryan Holderman, January 25, 2007
Question about John Lazares
Dear Ryan and All:
I spoke with Trish on her way home from hospital - about 30 min. or so from home. John did get up with the walker pushing with his arms to rise and is more alert today. He may come home Sat. and it is not planned that he will have to go to a rehab facility. They are only getting him up enough now so he is able to get up at home as needed but that's about all he will do for now. It is a waiting period to see if the softness in his bone is from infection or rejection of the first implant. So waiting for cultures to grow. Trish's concern is if it is rejection. One man had to come back 3 times for different replacements with different materials.
Time is not set and depends on the results and then the strengthening of his bone to secure the replacement. After the replacement, personnel will come to his home, so he will not have to be in a facility. A rehab site is close to home.
Trish is great and like John, very gracious and caring. I will ck with her every few days until we know more.
Regards, Molly J.
From Ryan Holderman, January 25, 2007
Subject: Question about John L.
Dear Molly:
Do you have any idea how long John L. will be hospitalized? Will he have to have special care during the period that he is waiting for the infection in the bones to subside and before they can re-implant the knee? Can they do that at home or will he have to be in a rehab facility?
It is so distressing that John has to go through such trauma. We join all those around the State who are praying him.
Thanks for keeping everyone apprised of his progress.
Sincerely, Ryan
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Update on John Lazares' knee surgery
Subject: John Lazares: Update
[Note: John Lazares underwent knee replacement surgery in August 2005, but has suffered complications and much pain ever since. He had surgery again this week (1/22/07) to correct the problem, but, regrettably, is not out of the woods yet. He will be laid up for 3-4 months; hopefully he will recover this time and be free from the excruciating pain he has long endured. We wish him all the best. KBB]
I am sorry to report John is not having an easy time of it. When they removed his last knee replacement, it came out easy due to softened bone. The bone was softened because of a possible infection and/ or other causes they are investigating. One cause may be John's system rejected the material of the previous replacement. They were not surprised John was in so much pain due to the condition he is in. They also found much fluid surrounding his knee adding to the pressure.
Dr.'s biopsied cultures some of which take up to a possible 10 days to grow to determine if infection is present. Therefore, they cannot replace the knee yet. Dr.s placed antibiotic plates into the knee cavity meanwhile to ward off and /or treat any new or existing infection.
John is presently very out of it sleeping (after 1 and 1/2 yrs of dealing with this pain. I know from experience with my husband that it takes everything out of you to get thru your day and John has had no good days since his surgery and had constand pain prior to it). He does not want to be roused according to his wife, Trish, who is worried about no intake of food or water. He is on IV's though for all those things. She did find his phone off the hook in his room and he had no recollection regarding it.
The Dr.'s indicated they have to get John's bone in healthy condition before they can replace his knee and this could take up to 6 wks alone. Then, he would have recovery and rehab following. The first step is to wait on the cultures to determine if and what infection still exists.
I told Trish to give John our thoughts and love and to let him know we are monitoring him. He was so good to us when my husband was at the Cleveland Clinic 2 yrs in a row. The first person calling while my husband was still in surgery was John Lazares and kept calling thru the whole ordeal and for weeks after. My husband, John J. , and he have developed a 'phone friendly relationship' understanding the world of pain.
Trish gave me her cell phone number and she will keep me updated which I will immediately forward. I spoke with her this am but my computer has been down and we had to call for assistance.
John is in for more discomfort before he heals and I know we are all saddened to hear it is not an immediate success beginning rehab now on th road to recovery.
Keep him close and he will let me know when he can takes calls which I will pass on to you.
.....John Lazares
.....Mercy Hospital, #3329
.....3000 Mack Rd.
.....Fairfield OH 45014
.....John Lazares
.....8133 Devonshire Pl.
.....Maineville, OH 45039
Molly has provided the name of a florist in Fairfield, where John is hospitalized:
Flowerama is close to Mercy and is: 513-939-0070
Molly, Duane, June: Medical information, discussion
Duane Tron to Molly Janczyk, January 23, 2007
I am sure it is. After 50, one colonoscopy every 10 yrs. is covered under most plans. A diagnosis is easy if needed by the Dr. for insurance to pay as everyone has some symptom which can be listed. Have your Dr. precert the procedure with your insurance provider. I had one due to age.
2. Be sure all your Dr.s and overnight stays in any medical facility-hospital and nursing/convalescent care is IN NETWORK!
1. Always precertify any procedure
2. Always be sure all medical providers, facilities ARE IN YOUR NETWORK! Do not listen to anyone else as their coverage may differ. My mother wanted to go to a facility next to her residence and could not. We found their 'sister' facility and she was pleased with it.
**Call Med. Mut. or Aetna or whomever you have coverage with and give the name of the procedure and / or the facility and they will tell you and give you a list of facilities you can use.
From: June Hughes, January 23, 2007
Senator Judith Freedman and GPO reform: Give teachers 'another bite of the apple'
Ridgefield Press
SCHOOLS: Senator backs congressman on teacher Social Security
State Senator Judith G. Freedman (R-26) has written to U.S. Congressman Christopher Shays to endorse proposed federal legislation he is co-sponsoring that, if passed, would allow teachers to collect all of the Social Security benefits they earn while working at non-teaching jobs.
“Connecticut is among a handful of states that harm teachers by financially penalizing them for working at non-teaching jobs,” said Senator Freedman.
“Connecticut teachers contribute to the teacher’s pension system and upon retirement collect those benefits. However, if at any point they work at other jobs and pay into the Social Security system, under current Federal law they will not be able to receive their full Social Security benefits. Additionally, these teachers are unable to collect any of the social security benefits of a deceased spouse. The system is wrong and the decisions that created the system go back almost 50 years.”
“This is a terrible disincentive to those who decide that teaching would be a rewarding second career. What does this say to a young mother who wants to take a few years off from teaching to raise children? It removes the very protections that Social Security is designed to afford. What does this say to young people who are choosing their careers? This law has a negative impact on the future pool of teachers in our state,” she added.
Senator Freedman said she is hopeful that Congress will pass the recently reintroduced Social Security Fairness Act as it currently has 100 co-sponsors and is expected to pick up more.
“Congressman Shay’s backing on this legislation, recognizes the importance of this for Connecticut teachers and the need to give them the opportunity to participate in Social Security. After working as a teacher in two other states where I paid into both systems, I was appalled to learn that as a teacher in Connecticut, if I were to collect to my pension, I could not collect my Social security benefits. It is definitely time for Washington to give Connecticut teachers another bite at the apple, “said Senator Freedman.
Toledo Blade slams educators
STRS Board retreat Jan. 31 - Feb. 1, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Tom Curtis: A thank you to RH Jones and Dr. K. Fluke
Subject: 012007 Curtis, Re: STRS Board Chair "hammers" Dr. Fluke out-of-order
New STRS Board member Craig Brooks seated at January Board meeting
Minutes of January 18, 2007 CORE meeting
This committee report was given by Ryan Holderman. A discussion on Step 2 to change Article IX in the Constitution as to whom will receive any CORE monies if or when CORE should be dissolved. STRS has criteria set up as to whom will receive the monies. A vote on this change will take place at the February CORE meeting.
Labels: CORE, Gary Allen
Tom Curtis' speech to STRS Board December 14, 2006 and January 18, 2007
[Some statistics: To deliver this speech in its entirety, it required approximately eight hours of driving time on Tom's part; approximate mileage of 554.4 miles and approximately $55.42 (maybe more) for gas, paid out-of-pocket. KBB]
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Tom Curtis to RH Jones: Retirees driving that far on their own nickel deserve more than three minutes
Click here to find your representative
For those who may wish to write to Rep. Michelle Schneider, who is looking for a co-sponsor for her "Alternative Retirement Plan" legislation (see post, Jan. 17), her e-mail address is: