From John Curry, December 12, 2010
The following OEA annual salary information came from U.S. Department of Labor. The OEA employees’ salaries listed are classified as “Column D - Gross Salary Disbursements - (before any deductions)." This information was filed with the U.S. Department of Labor in November of 2010. LRC stands for Labor Relations Consultant - a Labor Relations Consultant assists with negotiations and grievances for educators.
I have grouped these employees in two groups:
....I. Those with Gross Salary Disbursements of over $100,000
...II. Those with Gross Salary Disbursements between $60,000 and $99,999
I. OEA Salaries Over $100,000
Patricia Frost-Brooks (President) $172,288
William Leibensperger (Vice-President) $149,450
James Timlin (Secy.-Treasurer) $150,426
Larry Wicks (Executive Director) $185,108
Mark Allison (CIS Consultant) $124,330
John Avouris (LRC) $108,055
Susan Babcock (AED Start./Workforce) $151,769
Ann Bayou (LRC) $124,546
Marla Bell-Gombita (LRC) $124,519
Rodney Bird (LRC) $136,101
Lee Blandon (LRC) $124,823
George Bozovich (LRC) $124,537
Robin Busby (LRC) $124,501
Gary Carlisle (LRC) $128,541
Elizabeth Chandler-Mark (LRC) $126,746
Melissa Clark (Lobbyist) $126,550
Airica Clay(LRC) $101,125
Darren Clum (CIS Consultant) $124,109
Joseph Cohagen (Dir. Accounting) $128,124
Patricia Collins (Dir. Region 1) $140,370
Jeanette Cooper (Dir. Region 4) $123,272
Mark Constantine (LRC) $124,742
Doug Crawford (LRC) $175,133
Donald Dalton (LRC) $124,482
Demetrice Davis (Ed. Reform Consult.) $117,909
Robert Davis (Lobbyist) $125,711
Vicky Davis (LRC) $128,548
Matthew Dotson (Lobbyist) $124,558
Betty Elling (LRC) $112,304
Fritz Fekete (Dir. I/S & Research) $137,820
Ruth Field (LRC) $126,952
Linda Fiely (General Counsel) $124,627
Randall Flora (Director EI & I) $134,910
Gregg Gascon (Research Consultant) $127,491
John Grafton (LRC) $124,793
Russell Harris (Ed. Reform Cons.) $124,460
Jonathan Hart (CIS Consultant) $118,834
Donald Holub (Research Consultant) $122,493
Lynette Howell (LRC) $124,449
Talmadge Hutchins (LRC) $125,330
Paul Jewell (Research Consultant) $124,296
Charles Johnson (LRC) $124,520
Rachelle Johnson (AED Mem. Serv.) $144,455
Jan Jones (LRC) $124,478
Bonnie Joseph (Political Consultant) $124,565
Thomas Jowhar (LRC) $124,508
Suzanne Kaszar (Comm. Cons.) $127,556
Jeffrey Kestner (LRC) $136,673
Amber Kirkwood (LRC) $112,276
Gary Kovach (LRC) $106,536
Annette Kubiske (LRC) $124,468
Kim Lane (LRC) $124,256
Chloann Leidy (LRC) $124,558
Mark Linder (LRC) $144,024
Linda Lindsey (LRC) $124,558
Lavonne Lobert-Edmo (LRC) $127,289
Michael Mahoney (Dir. Comm.) $128,176
Victor Marchese (LRC) $126,795
James Martin (AED Bus. Serv.) $153,914
Robert Murkowski (LRC) $126,607
Helen Matusick (LRC) $118,179
Linda May (LRC) $124,565
Michael Mceachern (LRC) $156,089
Bonnie McMurray (LRC) $124,523
Darlene Messer (LRC) $118,413
Donald Messer (LRC) $126,254
Diane Miller (LRC) $124,519
Tim Miller (LRC) $124,298
Cristina Munoz-Nedrow (Dir. Reg. 5) $129,548
Henry Musilli (LRC) $124,495
Alfred Nelson (LRC) $130,500
Julie Newhall (Editor) $124,334
Jeffrey Nolasco (LRC) $124,682
Parry Norris (Dir. Region 2) $134,305
Kathleen O’Connell-Burt (LRC) $118,052
William Otten (LRC) $138,345
William Pearsol (LRC) $126,741
Cynthia Peterson (Ed. Reform Cons.) $124,466
Herman Pipe (LRC) $118,286
Michelle Prater (Comm. Cons.) $124,544
Dinica Quesada (Ed. Reform Cons.) $116,190
Ronald Rapp (Dir. Gov. Serv.) $120,968
Marci Reimund (LRC) $124,482
Thomas Reynaud (LRC) $124,520
Lynne Rumsey (LRC) $106,565
Sheila Saad (LRC) $124,446
Venita Shoulders (LRC) $143,163
Carrie Smolik (LRC) $124,417
Jerry Squires (LRC) $127,102
Edward Stephenson (LRC) $124,486
Mary Suchy (Dir. Of Membership) $137,965
Melodie Terman (LRC) $124,640
Ann Thomas (LRC) $101,148
Diane Tieman (LRC) $124,473
Patricia Turner (Research Cons.) $124,171
Eric Urban (LRC) $111,939
Rebecca Illimani (LRC) $129,229
Cecelia Weldon (LRC) $174,285
Cathy White (LRC) $125,132
Don Williams (LRC) $141,734
Debra Wing (LRC) $118,328
Michelle Winship (Ed. Reform Cons.) $100,506
Norman Young (LRC) $124,396
II. Salaries from $60,000 to $99,999
Jolynn Austin (Staff Accountant 1) $67,905
Alexandru Barbu (CIS Consultant) $84,866
Lynn Bartlo (Admin. Secy. II) $62,280
Katherine Boerger (LRC) $85,867
Gail Botz (Comm. Tech.) $72,942
Lisa Brooks (Ex. Asst.-Counsel) $76,927
Richard Castorano (Ex. Asst. Memb. Svcs.) $85,019
Graciela Chanfrau (Dir. Human Res.) $74,909
Danielle Chute (Staff Account. II) $69,628
Cathy Cline (Admin. Secy. II) $61,536
Tad Colbeck (LRC) $85,628
Shelly Colyer (Admin. Secy. II) $64,285
Margaret Crumrine (Admin. Secy. II) $61,955
Elaine Davis (Admin. Secy. II) $62,540
Daniel Day (LRC) $96,040
Arlene Doubledee (Admin. Asst.) $65,059
Dawn Elias (Ex. Asst. H/R) $86,506
Joyce Facchiano (Admin. Secy. II) $62,117
Kathleen Gallagher (Admin. Asst.) $71,483
Sandra Gonzales (Admin. Secy. II) $62,378
Schalet Jackson (LRC) $93,968
Todd Jaeck (LRC) $95,495
Barbara Johanson (Admin. Secy. II) $61,989
Patricia Johnson (LRC) $82,997
Esther Jones (Admin. Secy II) $61,605
Teresa Kalkaska (Memb. Account.) $74,060
John Kappes (Tech. Operator) $77,799
Rose Keller (Mgr. Legal Servc.) $93,203
Linda Kelm (Data Entry) $66,297
Diedri Kennedy (LRC) $85,450
Sally Kidwell (Staff Accountant II) $81,876
Susan Lehman (Ed. Reform Consult.) $94,131
Donna Lester (Admin. Secy. II) $63,460
Beverly Martin (Admin Secy. II) $61,698
Debbie Maynard (LRC) $95,874
Vickie Miller (LRC) $67,527
Linda Mills (Account Asst. ) $62,264
Daniel Mueller (LRC) $85,967
Lori Navin (Admin. Secy II) $61,766
Judy Nelson (Admin. Secy. II) $61,579
Kerri Newgard (LRC) $95,852
Sharon Obrien (Admin. Secy. II) $62,313
Crystalle Phillips (Admin. Secy. II) $66,221
Barbara Picker (Admin. Secy. II) $61,405
Debra Puterbaugh (Admin. Secy. II) $62,744
Sam Radel (LRC) $97,436
Patricia Ray (LRC) $85,588
Phyllis Reed (Admin. Secy. II) $61,958
Allison Roberts (LRC) $70,368
Debbie Roberts (Admin. Asst.) $69,284
Miriam Rosa (Admin. Secy. II) $61,926
Beverly Sekella (Ex. Asst. Memb. Svcs.) $66,786
Laura Simonyi (Admin. Asst.) $68,766
Rebecca Slaughter (Mgr. Gov. Relations) $93,126
Peggy Smith (Admin. Secy. II) $61,594
Connie Starcher (Admin. Secy. Ii) $63,733
Joyce Stewart (Admin. Secy. II) $61,559
Angela Thompson (Admin. Secy. II) $62,891
Renee Townley (LRC) $85,988
Delores Tufaro (LRC) $86,623
Jerrilynn Volz-Costell (Executive Asst.) $88,043
Diana Watson (LRC) $90,825
Theresa Whitney (LRC) $90,966
Leroy Wittemire (Exec. Asst. Bus. SVC.) $83,309
Amy Yevincy (LRC) $85,846
Susan Dodge (LRC) $64,188
You can verify the information above by doing the following:
2. In the box next to "File Number", enter this employer number: 512-490 and click the "Submit" button.
4. On the next page (titled Union Detail), under the Fiscal Year column, click the first item, "2010 Report." Scroll down to SCHEDULE 11 - ALL OFFICERS AND DISBURSEMENTS TO OFFICERS