Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Robin Rayfield hits the nail on the head in his STRS News update in the July ORTA Newsletter

July 19, 2022

Comments by Robin Rayfield,
Executive Director of ORTA
The STRS board met in executive session at the June meeting. After the executive session the board voted to ‘amend’ Executive Director Neville’s contract.  The main provisions of the amendments include extending Mr. Neville’s contract to the end of June 2027.
He also received a $9,000 increase in pay next year and again the following year. The decision to extend Mr. Neville’s contract was not unanimous. You can guess who opposed this contract extension. It is puzzling to me that three board members, after being voted off the board, would support such a decision. It certainly shows that the ORTA endorsement committee got it right when they decided not to support the OEA candidates that have been so loyal to STRS staff and management while stabbing active and retired educators in the back.
Larry KehresMount Union Collge
Division III
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