Wednesday, April 24, 2024

From ORTA, on YouTube: Chairman Dale Price, Vice Chair Carol Correthers and STRS Staff sabotage board meeting


April 24, 2024

Chairman Dale Price, Vice Chair Carol Correthers and STRS Staff sabotage board meeting

Link to video:

270 views Apr 24, 2024

- 00:18 - Dale Price Unilaterally "adjourns" meeting without motion or vote

DALE PRICE UNFIT TO CHAIR STRS BOARD COLUMBUS, OH – On Thursday [April 18, 2024], the Tenth District Court of Appeals issued a unanimous decision holding that Wade Steen was improperly ousted as the governor-appointed investment member of the STRS board and was immediately reinstated. The STRS board just happened to be meeting that very same day in Columbus, prompting Mr. Steen to head over and take his seat in the STRS boardroom as members were returning from lunch.
With a reform majority now firmly seated and recognizing the controversial STRS investment staff “performance bonuses” were set to be voted on per the publicly posted agenda, Chairman Dale Price abruptly ended the meeting without a vote to adjourn. This clear violation of Robert’s Rules of Order and adopted board rules was met with protests from other board members. Chairman Price then backtracked his "adjournment" and called for a recess. He then left the room never to return.
Twenty-five minutes later, with board members still seated, Samuel Peppers from the Attorney General's office walked out to inform the room the meeting was "adjourned".
The following statement may be attributed to Dean Dennis, President, Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association:
"The illegal behavior of Chairman Dale Price and the senior STRS staff is unconscionable. In broad daylight, with news cameras recording every moment, a group of individuals deliberately acted in a way to silence and intimidate a public body. Dale Price is unfit to serve on this board and should resign or be removed immediately."
See the website for a list of Key Moments of the board meeting, shown at the bottom of the page:

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

ORTA Calls for Removal of STRS Board Chair


Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association

April 23, 2024 
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  ORTA Calls for Removal of STRS Board Chair
"The illegal behavior of Chairman Dale Price and the senior STRS staff is unacceptable. With news cameras recording every moment, a group of entrenched individuals chose to act in a way to knowingly silence and intimidate a public body. Dale Price disappointingly demonstrated his bias serving as the board chair and immediately needs to be removed if this pension system is ever going to embrace transparency.”
- Dean Dennis, ORTA President
On April 18th, the Tenth District Court of Appeals issued a unanimous decision holding that Wade Steen was improperly ousted as the governor-appointed investment member of the STRS board and was immediately reinstated. The STRS board just happened to be meeting that very same day in Columbus, prompting Mr. Steen to immediately walk over and take his seat in the STRS boardroom as members were returning from lunch.
With a reform majority now firmly seated and recognizing the controversial STRS investment staff “performance bonuses” were set to be voted on per the agenda, Chairman Dale Price abruptly ended the meeting without a vote to adjourn. This clear violation of Robert’s Rules of Order and adopted board rules was met with protests from other board members. Chairman Price then backtracked his "adjournment" and then called for a recess. He then left the room never to return.
Fifteen minutes later, with board members still seated, Samuel Peppers from the Attorney General's office walked out to inform the room the meeting was "adjourned".
This orchestrated and premeditated conspiracy to prevent the meeting to continue begs for questions to be asked to the following individuals. (See full press release below.)
Read the full press release:
View the video here: 

Press Release 04/22/2024: ORTA Calls for Removal of STRS Board Chair

April 22, 2024
ORTA Calls for Removal of STRS Board Chair
Chairman unilaterally attempts to end STRS meeting after Wade Steen appears with Court Order
COLUMBUS, OH – On Thursday, the Tenth District Court of Appeals issued a unanimous decision holding that Wade Steen was improperly ousted as the governor-appointed investment member of the STRS board and was immediately reinstated. The STRS board just happened to be meeting that very same day in Columbus, prompting Mr. Steen to immediately walk over and take his seat in the STRS boardroom as members were returning from lunch. 
With a reform majority now firmly seated and recognizing the controversial STRS investment staff “performance bonuses” were set to be voted on per the agenda, Chairman Dale Price abruptly ended the meeting without a vote to adjourn. This clear violation of Robert’s Rules of Order and adopted board rules was met with protests from other board members. Chairman Price then backtracked his "adjournment" and then called for a recess. He then left the room never to return. 
Fifteen minutes later, with board members still seated, Samuel Peppers from the Attorney General's office walked out to inform the room the meeting was "adjourned". This orchestrated and premeditated conspiracy to prevent the meeting to continue begs for questions to be asked to the following individuals:
Lynn Hoover, Interim Executive Director:
•  Why were individuals who were scheduled to present to the board in Thursday's afternoon session informed during lunch that they would not be presenting?
•  Who made this decision to "adjourn" the board meeting?
•  Were you consulted on this decision?
•  Did you instruct or advise for this outcome?
•  Why were other board members not consulted?
Mary Remson, PRP, CPP-T, Parliamentarian
•  Under what authority is the Chairman of a Board -- operating under Roberts Rules of Order -- able to unilaterally "adjourn" a public meeting without a motion, and second and a vote? 
•  Why did you not enforce the rules upon the objection of the Chairman's action from the other board members? 
•  Were you aware this act was to take place?
If so, did you advise against it?
•  You presented a Roberts Rules of Order training to the board earlier in the morning, why did the Chairman not ask in open session if he has the unilateral power to "adjourn" a meeting? 
•  In your 25+ professional career, have you ever witnessed, allowed or advised a Chairman to unilaterally "adjourn" a meeting without a motion, second and vote?
Claudia Herrington, Board Member, Director of Compliance JobsOhio
•  Were you aware of the plan for Chairman Price to unilaterally "adjourn" the board meeting?
•  If so, did you advise against it?
•  Why were you not present in the boardroom for the beginning of the afternoon session?
•  In your formal role as Director of Board Compliance for JobsOhio, how would you advise should a Chair attempt to institute this behavior?
Sam Peppers, Pension Counsel, Ohio Attorney General's office
•  Under what authority do you have the ability to "adjourn" an STRS board meeting and dismiss its members?
•  Who instructed you to inform the board? Who was present when you were instructed?
•  Why did Chairman Price not return to the boardroom himself?
•  Did Attorney General Yost instruct you to involve yourself in board business?
•  Why did you immediately leave the board room and not answer questions following your announcement?
Stacy Wideman, STRS General Counsel
•  Under what authority is the Chairman of a Board -- operating under Roberts Rules of Order -- able to unilaterally "adjourn" a public meeting without a motion, and second and a vote?
•  Dale Price released a statement later in the day statingCounsel had not yet had the opportunity to review the opinion and consider its implications.” What implications are being referenced?
•  Did you assist in the drafting of Dale Price’s statement?
•  Were you aware of the plan for Chairman Price to unilaterally "adjourn" the board meeting?
•  If so, did you advise against it?
•  Do you have any authority over the board or its members?
•  Do you represent the board or its members in any capacity?
•  How often do you communicate with former Executive Director Bill Neville?
Leah Pappas Porner, Calfee, Halter & Griswold, STRS External Lobbyist
•  Did you contact Laurel Dawson at the governor’s office to advocate for the removal of Wade Steen?
•  If so, who instructed you to lobby Laurel Dawson at the governor's office to remove Wade Steen?
•  Who provided you materials to share with the governor's office in this effort?
•  How were you compensated to actively lobby against the removal of a board member?
The following statement may be attributed to Dean Dennis, President, Ohio Retirement for Teachers Association:
"The illegal behavior of Chairman Dale Price and the senior STRS staff is unacceptable. With news cameras recording every moment, a group of entrenched individuals chose to act in a way to knowingly silence and intimidate a public body. Dale Price disappointingly demonstrated his bias serving as the board chair and immediately needs to be removed if this pension system is ever going to embrace transparency.”
# # #
Media Contact:
Robin Rayfield

Monday, April 22, 2024

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Dan MacDonald's report on April 18, 2024 STRS Board meeting


Rob Walters and Dan MacDonald attended the April 18, 20224 STRS Board Meeting.  

Four committees met before the actual Board meeting.  Governance, Audit, Investment, and Legislative. All the committees voted on a chair and reviewed a committee charter document which was to be motioned and voted in the Routine Matters portion of the agenda.  The report out by committees nor the vote on the documents happened. [More to follow.]   

The actual April Board meeting started at 10:35 am with approval of March minutes followed by a presentation by outside consultant Mary Remson, PRP, CPP-T, regarding what is a Retirement Board Committee and what are common procedures. [The Funston Audit pushed the Board to have more active committee work.]  Following, outside consultant AON presented on STRS’s Board move to an Enterprise Performance Risk Management framework which is a holistic approach noted in the Funston Audit to improve the current risk assessment process.   

Public Participation was next.  Ten people spoke.  One active and 9 retirees.  The active spoke on STRS “staying the course” the other nine addressed concerns, including concerns/outcomes of the move from Express Scripts to CVS prescription plan.   

A ninety-minute Executive Session/Lunch break was then declared. Toward the end of the ninety minutes Wade Steen appeared and told the gallery he was back. [Wade Steen went to court after his removal from the Board by Governor DeWine. The court ruled on Thursday morning, 4/18/2024, that he had the right to the seat and Mr. Steen immediately came with the court order to STRS.]  When the Board returned the most recent DeWine appointee, Brian Perena, was gone and Wade Steen was in his seat complete with name plaque. Chair Price called the meeting back and Mr. Steen requested he be sworn in once again.  The Chair objected.  The Parliamentarian said no person could take over the meeting when Steen moved to be sworn in. Motions were made.  Comments were made.  Votes went 6-4; Herrington was not present. Ultimately, Steen was ceremonially sworn. When decorum returned, Chair Price altered the agenda to Routine Matters.  No committees reported out, finances and approvals were made. At the end of Routine Matters Chair Price hammered the gavel and declared adjournment without the Board voting to adjourn. [If the video is posted on STRS, watch the end of the meeting.]  Ultimately the meeting went into a recess, and after a short time a representative of the Attorney General’s Office went to the podium and declared the meeting adjourned and refused to take questions.   

[The Board, STRS, the AG office should be ashamed.  We do not know who directed Chair Price to manipulate the meeting to Routine Matters and Adjournment, or whether he did this on his own, but contributing members and retirees deserve non-political, functioning Board meetings.  The 2024 Budget was not presented [think salary increases]; the 2025 Performance Based Incentives were not discussed [think major divide]; the Investment Department did not share its monthly review [March a positive 2.02%, investment assets $94.6 billion]; there was no Executive Director’s Report; there was no Disability Review Panel Follow-up [think removing Board members from panel], nor Old/New Business.  In other words, the afternoon agenda was abandoned by the Chair. Chair’s after meeting remarks are below in STRS’s E Update.] 

The next meeting dates are May 15-17, The Board meeting should be May 16th 


Mr. Chair and members of the Board, good morning.   I am Dan MacDonald, an STRS retiree with 38 plus years of service.  I am also the Executive Director of Local 279R, Northeast Ohio AFT retirees.       


At last month’s meeting a big decision was made. Cheiron made its presentation and listed options.  During Public Participation amongst fifteen participants, 2 actives and 2 retirees addressed striking a balance and enticements for a teaching career. Personally, I am worried about the creation of a divide between contributing members and retirees.  Board members, you are being closely watched.  Two of you seated up there were not present during Public Participation. One departed toward the end of the Executive Director’s Report, and the other left 14 seconds into the Chair’s statement concerning Public Participation.  Both returned after the lunch break.  Emergencies happen. I hope handed statements are read.  


After lunch the sustainable benefits enhancement plan, the di minimis plan, was shared and, eventually, a vote.  34 years was established.  34 years until 2036 and a 1 percent COLA was really not discussed at all and mentioned only in passing.  Vote 11-0.  For balance, the Board needs to make clear retirees are not forgotten.  The di minimis plan will continue to give di minimis results which yearly will pit contributing members against retirees.  There needs to be developed a financial plan to address the fund’s shortage of funds.  Contributing members should not reach 30 years retirement at the expense of retirees.  Furthermore, contributing members will soon discover no COLA and being screwed by an increase in FAS, YOS, formulary and other reductions, their lesser amounts of pension without COLA will find them battling the same problem that now exists.  Your short-term solution is not addressing the long-term problem.  Add to that, if the legislature passes a 4 percent employer contribution increase spread over 8 years, the fund is still short, better, but short.  All of you are passing the buck down the road and if you truly look at STRS Members Only Forum and STRS Ohio Watchdogs, your constituents do not understand.  


As always, actives need their benefits restored and retirees need permanent living purchasing power, COLA, restored. 

[After Public Participation Board Member Davidson gave me a paper titled “STRS ACTIVE vs RETIREES BENEFIT RESTORATIONS.”  


Spring 2022 – Eliminate Age 60 Requirement $0.9 billion 

Spring 2023 – Temporary 34-year Unreduced Eligibility Period $0.365 billion 

Total Restoration $1.265 Billion 



Spring 2022-One Time 3% COLA $1.6 billion 

Spring 2023-One time 1% COLA $0.460 billion 

Total Restoration $2.96 billion] 


[My add: ACTIVE $0.838 billion Spring 2024 Unreduced retirement at age 34 years permanent, reduced at 29 years. Pretty close keeping in balance, BUT this insight should have been brought up during the public Board meeting for all to know at least one member's thought process.] 

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